View Full Version : My daughter is sick and I'm completely terrified

Worried 24/7
22-07-14, 16:06
So as everyone already is aware, I close mouth kissed a friend in February. I've been having all sorts of mouth related issues ever since and have been positive that I could some kind of disease from her. Now my daughter is sick and for over 24hours now she's had a screaming headache unless medicated. I'm so sure it's something I gave her because of kissing my friend that the guilt and fear is eating away at me. One doctor said she has pharyngitis, another said coxsackie. Im terrified she has meningitis and they're missing it. Any time my kids have any kind of medical issue I immediately think it's because I kissed my friend and caught a disease and spread it to them.... These are the diseases I've been worried about:


I am aware that almost all documentation of HIV says you can't catch it from kissing and only very minor risk from deep kissing, but I can't shake the fear. I did have an HIV test at 3months post kiss. This fear that I've contracted something that will kill my children is controlling my life. My poor daughter is in agony and the doctor's just say, "the headache is probably from the virus/infection. No definite answer about it though. I don't really know the purpose of my post, except that I feel helpless and alone right now

22-07-14, 16:30
Relax - the HIV virus can't survive in saliva so even with deep kissing it's practically impossible to catch it (there would need to be blood involved)

Hypothetically, if you were engaging in high risk activities (which you weren't) then If you tested -ve at 3 months then I think it's about 99.97% that you weren't infected.

HIV isn't a very stable virus, it's actually quite hard to catch.

22-07-14, 16:58
Honestly, you'd be surprised how badly your head can hurt when you have a virus. I had a sinus infection this past week and my head hurt so badly from sinus pressure that I couldn't get out of bed without taking both advil and tylenol. I had pharyngitis myself a couple years ago that lasted over a week and was really painful, but that's all it was and I am fine now.

I'm not a doctor, but I don't think any of the illnesses you listed have that as a symptom. Most of those are actually symptomless except for outbreaks of sores.

Kids pick up viruses and colds everywhere. I'm sure your little one is fine.

22-07-14, 17:12
I get horrible migraines whenever I am sick with a virus, My head hurts sooo bad I can barely sleep :( I don't think its anything but the virus for your daughter.

Worried 24/7
22-07-14, 17:37
Thank you everyone. My kids are my world and I would be nothing without them

22-07-14, 22:22
Of course they are and it's only natural to worry about your kids when they are sick, I worry about mine too. I hope by the time the next 24 hours pass your child will be feeling much better and you can relax.

Breezy x

Worried 24/7
23-07-14, 04:42
She felt a lot better today but I'm not convinced we're past it yet...I just don't ever want to see her scream in pain like that again. I've had severe migraines and I know how horrible they feel :-(

23-07-14, 08:41
Try to put yourself in your friend's position for a moment - she's a perfectly healthy person who probably kissed you in all innocence and out of affection and here's you saying you think she's given you a "disease".

Think how she would feel if she knew that, she'd be pretty hurt I imagine, even if she knew it was completely irrational thinking (which it is).

Your daughter will be fine and so will you.

Worried 24/7
23-07-14, 23:02
I would never tell her my worries because I know how that would make her feel. And I had kissed her goodbye tons of times before. So chances are its all a big coincidence. But I still worry because its in my nature. I just always think, I don't know how I'd live with myself if I passed a disease to my children....

23-07-14, 23:11
Obvouisly our minds do make us think awful things ,but what and why would you think this and then to think you have made your daughter ill ermm I wouldnt think so ,put your rational head on im sure you will agree ,and I get it about your kids because im the same ,but im pretty sure its not your fault try not to worry love xx

Daisy Sue
24-07-14, 03:21
Hi Worried, if this helps make you any less worried then it's worth sharing... I've brought up 3 kids, all have had nasty viruses at one time or another, and the really bad ones with headaches and high temperatures have always scared me in case it was meningitis. My youngest is prone to soaring stubborn temperatures and we've had many nights in hospital getting drips and meds to try and bring it down. So I know how frightening it can be.

I just wanted to reassure you that kids can and do get these nasty bugs naturally... nothing to do with something you may have done or think you've passed onto them.

I hope your little girl is on the mend now, and that you're feeling less stressed over it.

24-07-14, 19:41
I also am terrified my daughter might catch meningitis. Luckily there are some positive steps we can take; men C vaccine at 12 weeks and the new Bexero vaccine for men B. You have to go privately but is worth every penny. Chances of catching a strain different to C or B are so, so slim (unless you travel to Africa or Asia).
Not sure if it's available in USA yet (was trialled at Princeton uni)...definitely look out for it- it's made by Novartis x

Worried 24/7
25-07-14, 04:01
Thanks everyone. She is feeling much better although now I feel sick:( nasty sore throat, swollen painful throat glands, white spots in throat, exhausted..... :-(