View Full Version : Appoiment at doctors

help me 21
22-07-14, 18:51
So this evening I went to the doctors with pains in my face around my nose and my fore head all so around my eyes I said to the doctor iv got sinuses problems he said no its nothing to do with that huhh so what the hell is it. He did say maybe hayfever he also said my one nostiral is bent and it curves up maybe the pain is coming from there???? I'm really worried and scared can anyone relate?? Or could it be a bit of anxiety to

22-07-14, 20:19
So is he referring you to ENT?

22-07-14, 22:13
I've had these symptoms for ages now, the first time my doctor said it wasn't sinus problems and thought it could be because of recent dental work and to go back to my dentist,which I did ( had to pay £35 for X-rays which found nothing!). Went to gp a week later with same symptoms and they gave me nasal spray for sinusitis ! This has been going on for about 6 months now and on my most recent visit my gp told me I must 'steam' 4 times everyday, like that's possible working and with a toddler and 7 year old lol.
Keep going back to them if your still having same symptoms and hopefully they will be more helpful than my surgery .

help me 21
23-07-14, 01:43
No hasn't referred me anywhere. Its horrible iv had it years my self if took some pain killers and used my nasal spray tonight and its ease a bit steaming my face does help. I believe its to do with my sinus doctors these days am rubbish

23-07-14, 13:53
he said no to sinus but then said your sinus being curved could do it and its maybe hayfever.. HUH? That doc isn't making much sense to me! I def think its your sinuses. My mother would suffer the same way you have.

Maybe try to see another doctor?

23-07-14, 15:28
Sounds like exactly how I felt with a sinus infection last week