View Full Version : PTSD

18-12-06, 22:17
Hello there, i have always spoke on the anxiety and panic side of the site as i have suffered with anxiety, depression and panic attacks for two years, however, i have always thought i had PTSD since the traumatic op i had two years ago but nobody mentioned this to me. After recently seeing a chinese doctor, last thing to try, he confirmed my beliefs of having PTSD and i do feel a little better giving it a proper title. This also makes a lot of sense with my symptoms and the way that i have been feeling. I know that i am still here and still suffering the same but at least now i know why. That does make it a little easier for me i suppose. Any advice from people who have PTSD gratefully received as i donot know a great deal about this yet. Thankyou. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

19-12-06, 11:29
there are so many different problems that ptsd cause us, it can affect us all in differernt ways.
My advice would be to read up on ptsd, there is much information available on the web, I first looked up the BBC websites health pages. There are also numerous books available. However probably the best thing you can do is discuss this with your GP, and ask if specialist help is available in your area.
take care of yourself, and feel free to post any messages here so others can also try and help.

01-01-07, 21:45
Struggling a lot the past few days, Friday was awful. Woke up not knowing where i was or who i was, don't know why. Managed to get to work but it was awful. BP and pulse were fine all day, although i was not really there, terrified, not knowing anything. I carried on all day and managed to get home, don't know how. Got home and told my hubby, could not describe the feelings that i had got inside, just awful!!!! Just wanted to sit in a corner and cry, on my own, and scream and scream and put my head in a wall to see if that would help. The only thing i could think of was that these feelings that i was having were the same that i had on the operating table but without my body reacting, perhaps it is too tired to bother now!!!! I just don't know, this was more than just unreality, it was even worse even though i didn't think that anything could get worse. I'm so fed up with all of this and just want to get back to how i used to be before the op. Have had unreality since Friday, not as bad and with breaks throughout the day, but now i'm having more ectopics again, BP and pulse are both fine. Scared to go to work tomorrow, really dreading it but i know it will be horrendous in the morning. What do i do? Got to wait until 20th Feb before my first appointment with the CPN at my surgery. Will try and go to work tomorrow but i think if i struggle again i may have to have time off, had two weeks off before christmas then went back because i felt guilty as it was busy. Am looking for another job but i don't think that anything will help at the moment other than another brain!!!!! lol. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

04-01-07, 14:38
sorry things are tough, I know the experiences are more realistic than when they actually occured, and I know you do want to be how you were "before", all I want to be is myself, hence my signature. Havent been myself for so long now, start to wonder what I was actually like then !
Its good you can talk to your hubby, it will be g hard for him to fully understand so be patient with him !!!!!!
As for work, it is a struggle when affected by ptsd, I have been off work for a hwile, but was told by my specialist to think twice before changing jobs, is it easier to stick with what you know than to try something different ?
take care

14-01-07, 17:05
Have read a wonderful book called 'The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder sourcebook' which i bought off E.Bay, written by Glenn Schiraldi PhD. I have found lots of useful information in there and the horrible feelings that i have been experiencing but couldn't 'put my finger on' have now been explained through this book. So in that respect i am feeling better now that i can name them!! I am still eating my carrots each day and this is working by keeping the unreality to a minimum, if i miss my carrots for a day, the next day i am definatly worse! I have an appointment set up at my surgery with a CPN but it isn't until the end of February. Still getting palpatations but they are not turning into complete panic attacks as i WONT LET THEM!! I can feel my heart pounding and i can feel and hear it in my ears but i then make myself really busy until it subsides and this stops it developing further. Although i am still getting ectopics everyday which still frighten me and throw me off guard each time. I am just 'keeping going' as i know that we all are the best that we can. After reading the book though i am even more convinced that this is PTSD and with doing some of the exercises in the book, which have helped, this has proved it to me even more. I would recommend this book to anyone.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

16-01-07, 18:14
I have really had enough of this and i'm am trying my best but obviously that just isn't good enough. I have to go for a 48 hour tape this weekend and i have dealt with these for years, but i'm petrified of going, WHY?, don't know. Nothing to be scared of i know, just the whole process of going and having it done, getting through it. Got appointment with neurologist on 6th Feb about dizziness and go to see CPN for first time on 20th Feb. Just hoping someone can do something for me. Sorry for the long post

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

24-01-07, 10:46
Had a dream last night about my op, different place and people but it was definatly about the op. My hubby thinks that this is good as it signifies my brain starting to accept it, what do you think?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

24-01-07, 14:20
elo Angie,

nice ta meetcha...well I have PTSD..four years now due to a very traumatic time as patient in a hosp n many ops so i know how ye feel and if ye like me hun...its awful...i would say ye hav it for sure..

pls feel free to pm me anytime..x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

24-01-07, 18:41
Hi Lin, thanks for reply. Suffering a lot with unreality again at the moment, do you get this?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

21-02-07, 01:08
Im sorry you our really struggling with this at the moment, it must be a reallt difficult time for you.

I suffer from PTSD, which Ive had since I was 14yrs, Im now 38yrs. Unfortunately it wasnt dealt with at the time so Ive carried it throughout my life until now.
Sources info on the web is great and books are a great source.
My saying is knowledge is wisdom, which will help you self help and push the services for better treatment like im doing now.

If you ever need to talk please contact me.

21-02-07, 02:37
elo Angie,

its shite..i know it is...great advice there to read up on it..but tbh..you really need to go n get a diagnoses from the mental health team then you will get the support you need, psychiatrist, psychologist, n therapy..cbt is good..i am hopefully goin to restart mine again beg. of march..but watch this space lol...........................

unreal feelings r crap...i am on meds which help this..flashbacks where i am actually back there r awful.........i do understand....n the guilt too which is a major symptom of ptsd........

it is beta to know what you have...i knew straight away wen i came outa hosp what i had but my gp kept telln me i was doin ok on me own which i did do to a degree...but then things hit crisis here n i got my referral..i hav got 2 support workers now who visit me at home...to help with all the stresses i have and there r loads which is y i need too....

its tough hun i know....pls go to ur gp n tell them what the chinese doc has said n that you want a referral to the mental health team for an assessmnt..

As said i am here if ye wanna chat so pls pm me for woteva okies tc x

21-02-07, 05:03
Hello Angiebaby,

I am sorry to hear about the circumstances and your PTSD and how it is affecting you.

I have delayed onset PTSD 11 years after the "event" and in 2001 PTSD took me. It has been catastrophic for me. But I have learned a lot and have a good understanding now.

I have some excellent URL's where you can find as little or as much as you care in all areas of therapy, support, medications etc. pm me if you'd like me to send them.


21-02-07, 23:52
Thanks for the replies. I went to see a CPN yesterday for the first time, she has diagnosed me with PTSD and health anxiety resulting from my operation two years ago, i feel a bit better now i know WHAT i've got. She's waiting until after i see the neurologist about my dizziness in March until she sees me again so she knows what she is dealing with, but she says that she can help me. Still suffering a lot with unreality, dizziness and my ears keep 'going off', will just have to wait and see. I am having the symptoms of Menieres disease, will just see what the neurologist says on 7th March though.

22-02-07, 02:28
That's great Angie,

I'm so glad now you have a diagnoses...now ye will get the right treatment...
ive also had labyrintitus, n they thought a also had meneriers disease but i didnt..took ages for it to go tho...not nice...
In some ways hun this is sooooo positive cos at least now you know what you are dealing with...unreality is crap hun..i still get it now n again...

We are all here to help n i totally understand cos of hosp thing..i had bad health anxiety wen i first came outa hosp, it was just so awful ontop of everyting else...

I'm here if ye need me...chin up and good luck hun x

22-02-07, 13:51
Thanks for the replies guys, Antipodes i would love for you to send me those, that would be great. Lin, thanks for understanding.

08-05-07, 13:04
I had my MRI scan on Saturday and since then my depersonalization has got much worse. I can understand this, i suppose, because i found the MRI to be very traumatic, and it reminded me a lot of my operation which is when my problems first started. I am just feeling so 'weird' just lately, fuzzy and strange. 'Out of it', so to speak. Even though i know what this is and why it happens, i am finding it very hard and just want to cry and cry. It really scares me and freaks me out and i am just finding it very difficult to live right now. I try to take my mind of it, although my CPN says that destraction does not work with PTSD. This is just so awful. Can anyone please offer me any helpful advice on how to get through this, i do live with the unreality every day, but since saturday it has got much much worse. Advice please if you can, thankyou.xx