View Full Version : Feeling "out of it" after a bad bout of anxiety?

23-07-14, 00:11
Does anyone else get those feelings?
The foggy head, cloudy memory, lightheaded/dizzy spells, tight chest/chest pains, shaky limbs, weird adrenaline-like sensation all throughout the body, negative mindset, hot/cold flashes, pins/needles, feeling of impending doom, headaches, etc?

I'm experiencing these symptoms off/on after the WORST anxiety/panic attack I've ever experienced that kept me wide awake for 36 hours straight. I seem to be more on-edge and dreadful today..(it was last night that my body finally crashed and basically forced me to sleep)

Also, how can I prep myself/my mind before I lay down to go to sleep for the night to ensure I don't wake up into another panic attack? Any suggestions?

Mrs Panda
23-07-14, 08:54
Firstly, hooray you got some sleep :)

I have found tapping quite a good way of clearing the mind of fear before sleep and also giving myself positive images about a good nights sleep. If you try YouTube and type in tapping, you will find heaps of videos that show you how, where to tap on the body and what to say. I will see if I can find a link to post for. Be back soon.

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Just some examples to show you what it is. Up to you if you want to try it :)

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Also, yes I get pretty much all those feelings/symptoms you have mentioned on days when my anxiety gets really bad. I think it's all just from exhaustion. The adrenal glands get tired from being on the go constantly, then you end up just feeling fatigued which results in all those symptoms :( It's a vicious cycle.

I have recently started taking some herbal tablets to support my adrenals. They seem to be working well. I ran out on the weekend and had to wait until pay day to get more, and in those 2 and a half days without them I had already noticed a difference in the quality of my sleep, energy and anxiety levels. I have tried so many things over the past few years. I found that medications just numbed my feelings but didn't seem to address the real issue. Now I am working on fixing things from the inside with herbal support for my exhausted glands, vitamins, supplements, good quality food (no gluten or dairy) and listening to lots of positive affirmation videos and CDs.