View Full Version : Hi, I'm Carley and I have anxiety over allergic reactions.

23-07-14, 03:15
Hi, my name is Carley and I'm 19 years old. I'm here trying to get help on coping with my anxiety over allergic reactions, basically asphyxiation. This started about 9 or so months ago while at college. I have bad acid reflux, it often times made it feel like food was stuck in my throat or that my throat was "closing up". This is what started my anxiety, then to add to that I found out that my roommate was allergic to peanuts. This caused me to begin to wonder and start worrying. I stopped eating all kinds of nuts. Mind you, I've never had an allergic reaction to anything in my life other than a bee sting. Since then I moved home from college and my anxiety went away.
Now, a few months later I had an allergic reaction to some tanning lotion, I got hives, took a Benadryl, then I was fine. But since then everything has gone downhill with my anxiety. Within the last few weeks this has gotten worse. I almost refuse to eat anything, because even if it's something I've eaten a million times before I start wondering if I'm allergic and I actually begin feeling the symptoms that aren't actually there and I go into a panic. Once I calm down I realize that I was actually fine and reassure myself that I'm okay. I also carry a bottle of Benadryl in my purse at all times.
I've stopped taking any types of medication due to being worried I will have a reaction to it, except for my birth control which I've been taking for a long time now and I'm okay with it. My weight has dropped down to only 103 due to barely eating and all the stress and anxiety is taking it's toll on my health and happiness. I'm tired of worrying constantly and not eating things that I used to love.
I would just like to know that I'm not alone in this and I'm not "crazy". I'd also love any type of support, comfort and advice you are willing to give!

23-07-14, 03:18
No, you're not crazy, so don't worry, and you're certainly not alone in your fears and anxieties. This is way more common that you may think and there are a lot of people on the site that can empathise with what you are going through.

Welcome! :welcome: You'll find a lot of helpful people and great information here... I hope you can also find some comfort :)

25-07-14, 00:39
Hiya I completely understand how u feel.. I had to have a tetanus shot a couple of weeks ago and was a mess for days googling symptoms of reactions... I hope u find comfort here -if nothing else just in not being alone in this xxx

25-07-14, 20:53
hi, carley! :welcome: you are not alone. i and many other nmp members suffer from health anxiety. food allergies have played a big part in my health anxiety. i was finally tested about 4 years ago and now i know which foods to avoid. you may want to get tested for allergies and if you are severely allergic to anything, your doc may want you carry and epi-pen with you in case you have a bad reaction. hope you start to feel better, soon.
