View Full Version : my mind lies to me

23-07-14, 07:41
My mind is lying to me and telling me that I don't love my boyfriend, even though I do, very much. We have a long distance relationship and these thoughts make me feel guilty even though I can't help thinking them. This is driving me up the wall, I can't sleep at night!! Someone help me!!

27-07-14, 14:31
I have suffered from the very same thoughts. Panicked that I don't love my partner, that I'm just pretending and lying to myself and that I need to end it with him. We have been together 10years and lived together for 4years. It's scary and frightening and you never feel that you can believe any thoughts you have.
Hang in there. This is an intrusive thought and you can get help for this. Mine tend to come in waves, would last for a block of time then disappear, only to return again after a month or so.
Is the long distance part of your relationship fairly recent? Xxx

27-07-14, 17:53
I had the same thoughts about my partner when I was with him, it was long distance. Strange x

02-08-14, 20:19
I deal with this myself. It is a form of Pure OCD call Relationship OCD. Just gotta ignore the thoughts as they are not real.

Thoughts =/= reality. If there are problems in the relationship you would know it. The anxiety that comes from the idea you want to break up shows that you don't. They say the better the relationship, the worse the ROCD.

Once you learn to deal with it, this will go away.

I started medication 3 weeks ago (prozac) and it has helped. Along with talk therapy.

04-08-14, 08:45
We are not our minds. Our minds are a thing, like our arm is a thing, part of us, but not "us". I know it isn't easy, but perhaps label these thoughts as "thinking" and just let them go on their way.