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View Full Version : finaly in a homeless shelter

23-07-14, 09:44
over the last 16 months iv moved from pillar to post sofa surfing etc after splitting up with my wife after 15 years of marrage.5 days ago i was given a place in a homeless shelter.its a 4 bed house of which i share a room with three other guys.bunk beds.i love it breakfast dinner all done for you.and they are working to help with my housing aplication.so hopefully will get my own place in time.thats the plan.you are there for 30 days and if they havnt found you your own place by then you are out again for 30 days to give others a chance to get off the streets.then after 30 days you go back in and so on..fingers crossed ill get my own pad in time.things are hopefuly looking up for me now after a very stressful 16 months of hell

Catherine S
23-07-14, 11:28
Greg, reading this has just put all my worries into perspective. I hope this turns a corner for you and you can get yourself back on track again. Small steps to hopefully big rewards.


23-07-14, 11:52
I hope u can find a place of your own u have been though hell by the sounds of it Hun :hugs::hugs:

23-07-14, 13:24
Sorry to hear that mate. I hope you get your own pad soon.

Mrs Panda
23-07-14, 14:35
Best of luck Greg. Hope you find a wonderful home very soon. All the very best to you :)

23-07-14, 16:02
thankyou guys.this has lifted my spirits.looking forward to my future

24-07-14, 20:01
Best of luck to you, Greg

25-07-14, 01:11
Best of luck to you Greg :yesyes: You have a very good outlook on life, I know I would be feeling really sorry for myself and down and out!! You deserve some good luck, I am sending positive thoughts your way:):)


Daisy Sue
25-07-14, 01:15
You're a real inspiration.... many of us couldn't have coped with what you have. I truly hope all the insecurity and bad times are behind you now, and only positive steps from now on.

25-07-14, 07:51
ah thanks guys.well you just have to get on with what life throws at you and pick yourself up.which is what iv had to do.its been hard tho depressing times and very low days but you have to plod on..hoping things are now turning in a possitive way for me now.iv had over 16 months of hell.

25-07-14, 08:10
Good luck to you, hopefully you'll find somewhere permanent soon.

25-07-14, 08:51
thanks brunette.me to

25-07-14, 09:43
Best of luck Greg been homeless myself in the past now have my own place so things can get better.
Hope it comes soon for you

25-07-14, 15:23
thanks Ray.thats my dream mate.hope it comes true.since splitting up with my wife 16 months ago my world has been turned upside down.lost everything and family.moved 5 times etc.hopefully things are on the turn for me.

25-07-14, 15:33
I wish you all the very best greg.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

25-07-14, 17:32
Hi Greg.

Good luck for the future. Hope you find some where soon. What charitable organisations have you contacted, for housing?

25-07-14, 20:54
thanks magic..its called yhe dens its run by the local council for the homelesd

25-07-14, 21:21
Hi Greg, I have been away for a few days so have only just seen this thread. I am pleased that things are looking better for you and that you are getting help in finding accommodation. I know it hasn't felt like it at times for you over the past 16 months but you have coped really well. I know that at times it has been hell for you but you have got through it...keep positive, it is getting better and will get easier. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

26-07-14, 08:39
Thanks Annie.yep trying to think possitive about it all..hopefully this is a turning point for me now...hope you had a nice time away.where did you go? i bet the weather was lovely for you.hope you are doing ok.how are you feeling lately.?

26-07-14, 13:39
I went to Carlisle. I meet up there once a year with 2 friends that I used to work with. Weather was perfect and we had a lovely time. I am so much better now, feels strange to be relaxed :D

26-07-14, 14:25
Good luck! Can't go wrong with determination :)

26-07-14, 14:58
Best wishes Greg, glad that things are looking up for you :D, hope you find your own house soon.

26-07-14, 21:47
ohh thats good to.hear annie
im.so.glad you had a.lovely time.you deserve it.nice to.have time out...a little break...

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

thanks guys for all your suport
i feel good and looking forward to getting my own place.its looking possitive that ill get my own place.just goto sit it out at the hostle which im happy to do.i love it there

26-07-14, 23:03
When I first read the subject of your thread, Greg, I thought "oh no" bit actually, I felt reassured after I read your first post here. I am hopeful and rooting for you. Glad too that it sounds like you are getting some decent help (not only with practical day to day stuff like meals.... But the all important step of finding somewhere more permanent to live). It was really nice to hear you sound positive. Fingers crossed for you!

---------- Post added at 23:03 ---------- Previous post was at 23:00 ----------

Also, moving 5 times..... That is difficult enough because they do saying moving house is one of the most stressful things you can go through...... I has really been a nightmare for you, Greg.

27-07-14, 13:43
thankyou guys for all your possitive coments helps me a lot...i just want to be settled in my own place and have my own front door.one way or another they have told me i will get my own place.thrte are two ways i can get it...first way is i get awarded more points on my housing for my mental health,giving me enough to bid on a property and win the bid.at the moment i only have 15 points and have no chance of winning any bids.if my mental health letter and letter from my local MP and doctors.iv been told i could get around 25-30 points.if that happens ill be able to get a one bed flat in time.the other option if i dont get awarded any points the will refere me to rent aid.which is where they pay the deposit and rent uo front.it would be private ren.so i would prefere to get the points and get a council property.fingers crossed for the points.so one way or another ill get a flat