View Full Version : can't cope with my job

23-07-14, 10:43
I've put something on here about this part of my anxiety before. But nobody answered and I know it will never be solved.
I am trying mindfullness. I am trying but I just feel so miserable. My job is too stressful and every time I manage to relax they ask me to do extra. I could be worrying over nothing but i think they will ask me to work friday which is one of my days off (I actualyl have three this week).
The shop is open 7 days a week so there is always the chance they could ask me to go in on my day off. It's open until 8 in the evening so they could ask me to work on or start early.
Yesterday I only did a short shift but it was so busy and I can't cope with the noise and the customers. You get mothers shouting at their kids, customers trying to ask you a question when you're serving someone else. People knocking things over.
I am always on my own (unless I call someone when there's a queue) as they stay out the back and sort out the delivery (stock room too small so they have to get the stuff in takes hours) but I get so flustered and they just think I'm in a mood.

I said I'd start early today but I dread work. I can't win, even if it's not too busy they give me a job to do and I have to run back and for to the till all day as we're not allowed to stay on the till.

When I have a day off or don't start until a certain time (or any shift) I worry that they'll ask me to do extra. This worry has been with me for about 4 years or so, it's from my other job and didn't go away with this one. No matter how much extra you do they keep asking for you to do more. I feel bad if I don't do it because they will struggle. But to be anxious every time my phone goes.

I have been trying for months to get a new job. The idea of being stuck here for another xmas starting at 7 in the morning and having even more stress. I feel like I'm being punished for something I swear.

I don't want to go back to worrying about work riniging I don't want to be miserable and anxious anymore. I am so sick of it

Thanks for reading this. Guess I just need someone who understands as nobody I know does.

23-07-14, 11:02
Hi Jenwales,

Do you do any activities on your days off? If you have something booked already you have a reason to say no when they ask. Once you find the strength to say no I think the anxiety of them ringing will fade, because you have control again.

I'm sure it's not reasonable to always say no when they ask but if you have at least one day a week when they know you are busy it might give you peace of mind for the rest of the time. You don't actually have to be doing anything either, but if they think you are it makes it easier for you.

I hope you feel better soon

Bc x

23-07-14, 11:57
I think to start with you need to learn how to say no! You are not obliged to stay and do extra hours...so say you can't start early, and you can't stay late. You need to have some sort of release outside of work...so there is something to look forward to and help you relax.

Force yourself to discover new hobbies, even if its just half an hour a day do something for you that you enjoy to distract your mind from the worry of work.

Maybe have a word with your boss about how stressed you get, they might have tips or may be able to do something to ease off the stress

Good luck...and keep up the mindfulness...practice really does make perfect x

23-07-14, 12:53
Just a thought... don't answer the phone on your days off. Learn to say "no". What's the worse that can happen?

Positive thoughts

24-07-14, 17:20
Thanks for all the support. I have a lot of cleaning and stuff to do tomorrow and would like to spend time with my family. So I hope they don't ask me tomorrow. They text me and I can't block them or anything

24-07-14, 17:38
You can leave your phone home or turn it off. And it's not lying to say you were unavailable and with your family ;)

Positive thoughts

25-07-14, 10:28
Thanks everyone