View Full Version : Can't breathe

23-07-14, 11:08
Sorry me again I am a pain I know. I have asthma and I don't normally get any problems from it but I am just sitting here waiting for my parcel and I started coughing now I can't breathe and I am panicking I have taken my inhaler twice. Hubby wants me to meet him with the lawn edge trimmers on he bus cause we r going back to crewe to pick up daughter and say goodbye to my parents.hate this hot weather.

ben johnson
23-07-14, 11:45
dont worry about keep puting stuff on here thats what its here for.
its probely just the pollen setting off ur astme so the best thing to do is go get some hyfeezer tablets and it might make u feel better


23-07-14, 11:51
It is probably allergies, I don't have asthma and my allergies are make me wheeze a bit today. If its really bad and the inhalers aren't helping ring the GP for advice on how to relieve it...

23-07-14, 11:52
Hope you can get your asthma under control spuder. The weather does not help
Good Luck xxx

23-07-14, 12:08
Thanks everyone your all so lovely my breathing is settling down but I still feel like a panic attack is coming got so much on my plate at the mo I've just moved house yesterday and all the boxes need unpacking and it's just a mess we have the living room straight but ever where else it's a tip omg I am panicking now

ben johnson
23-07-14, 12:13
thats good to hear. just try and sit down and relax so then u can calm down and u need to start ether telling someone whats on ur mind or just try and forget abot it all hun xx


23-07-14, 12:18
Thanks Ben I have no one here to tell them what's on my mind god I hate anxiety. To top things off I haven't been sleeping well for about a month so that's not helping my doc has increased my cipralex but it takes 2 to 4 weeks to kick in and I can't wait I have panic attacks nearly every day now. Sorry to ramble I am panicky

ben johnson
23-07-14, 12:25
so do i but u do have someone u can talk to his name is ben lol xx dont worry and rambling its good cus u can get things off ur mind then. just personal message me then u can get it all off ur mind then hun xx

23-07-14, 14:07
Ben I've inboxd u