View Full Version : Losing weight

23-07-14, 12:59
I have lost three and a half stone in eight months and I HAVE been dieting - sort of - basically just been eating less and exercising more using the Myfitnesspal app (which is the only way to go for me because I love my food).

My worry is over the last two weeks the weight has come off even though I exercised less and ate way over my daily allowance. Usually that makes me gain or stay the same. It feels like the last two weeks has been too easy. And now I'm wondering, have I only lost weight because I am really ill? Was it ever me doing it? Is that why it worked this time? Is the weight loss normal or is it a red flag for.... ? (you get the idea)

Everyone keeps complimenting me and I just look at them with a sick frozen expression and feel terrified.


23-07-14, 13:12
Because you've been exercising, your body's metabolism has increased. It stays that way for a while. A small change in your pattern won't affect that.
Go back to being a couch potato and eating junk all day and I assure you, you'll put the weight back on. Next time you get a compliment, smile and say "Thank you" ;)

Positive thoughts

23-07-14, 13:29
Thanks, fmp, I hope you're right, but it's never done this before in the last eight months. I've had the odd naughty day like once a month or something and the weight usually goes straight on the next day. This was a whole week of very naughty days and hardly any exercise and it *still* came off. It really worries me. My GP didn't seem concerned very much, but I am unused to losing weight without a massive effort, my metabolism has always been a bit of a slug. X

Arg. Today is hard.

23-07-14, 16:50
Hi Claire

I ALWAYS have the same thing. When I am dieting and exercising lets say before a holiday it doesn't make a difference and then during the holiday or after it just shifts the weight magically. Its just how some of us are built. My friend can not eat for a day and look thinner....I am not like that :)

Hope that helps

B x

23-07-14, 16:57
Because you've been exercising, your body's metabolism has increased. It stays that way for a while. A small change in your pattern won't affect that.
Go back to being a couch potato and eating junk all day and I assure you, you'll put the weight back on. Next time you get a compliment, smile and say "Thank you" ;)

Positive thoughts

I agree completely, weight continues to fall off because your metabolism rate has increased, Good work :):D

23-07-14, 17:18
Thanks for all your replies. X So you lose weight sometimes when you aren't trying and it's okay? X

23-07-14, 17:20
first of all; well done on your weight loss, 3.5 stones must have made a huge difference to your appearance. No doubt your fitness level has improved too.

A quick calculation says that over the 8 months, you've lost an average of 1.5 pounds per week. That's certainly not extreme weight-loss by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, that's a perfect average weight loss for someone trying to lose some weight. And remember, if you've put on some muscle during your 8 month exercise period, you'll be burning extra calories since muscle requires more energy than fat.

I'm no medic but I'd imagine that if you were losing weight due to illness, it would be much more rapid; and this would be in someone NOT trying to lose weight.

Besides, are you confident that your scales are 100% accurate? In my experience, they can vary by +/- several pounds at any given time.

Anyway, please keep up the good work. Please don't do what I've done in the past, which was to stop my fitness regime and pig out on junk food for months just to prove to myself that I could put on weight.

24-07-14, 10:34
Thank you all. That helped! I ate lots of pasta last night and gained a pound. (I have 2 sets of scales so I know it isn't them. :))