View Full Version : Just need someone give an opinion.

23-07-14, 13:27
Hi, i have had bad anxiety from age 12 since my dad died.
I am now 19 and i feel i am ok at controlling it even though i still have my bad times.
But 3 weeks ago out of nowhere it got really bad and i couldn't control it, a week ago i went against my anxiety and managed to go to london then after that i was completely fine. But on monday it started again, i am scared its something different to anxiety.
When i am anxious i feel detached from everything and zoned out, i feel like that but in a different way, i look around and everything feels weird so i get more anxious.
I feel like i can't add up numbers in my head either and i don't know if that's because im focusing on doing it to prove to myself that i'm still sane.
I feel scared and my arms get this weird feeling and my throat does.
I know these weird sensations are anxiety but it's the weird detached feeling that is worrying me.
I just wondered if anyone has had something similar or could just help me feel at ease with it?



23-07-14, 13:34
Firstly, it's awesome that you went to london and were fine!!!

I used to get the same feelings mate so you absolutely are not alone, the fact you are (at least in part) recognising these symptoms is a huge step.

Just remember that anxiety attacks aren't dangerous - they are uncomfortable at best, but you are perfectly fine..

Keep your chin up buddy.

23-07-14, 16:23
Hi, thank you for your reply.

I just feel so strange and i know this will sound crazy but i opened the camera on my phone and it was facing me so i could see myself on the screen and i felt detached like it wasn't me on the screen even though it was.

That's scaring me, i feel like i'm going crazy

23-07-14, 16:28
People talk about depersonalisation etc on here and I leave it alone because I was never sure if I'd experienced it.

But I did used to (and still probably can) feel something I could never explain.

It can happen at home too watching telly (but hasn't for ages). But years ago I used to work on cars in a garage for hours. I'd find after so long on my own I'd get very spaced out and anxious. Everything would look different.
It was so uncomfortable I'd then dread anyone coming in or me having to leave the garage and face anyone. Things had become different. It would settle down after probably hours. But I fear t-cutting my vehicles now in case I feel it again.
It's like getting zoned Into the job sets it off.
But then it could happen when I was just sitting watching telly too if I got a bit it too self conscious or something.

It's definitely anxiety. Derealisation or something, I'm not sure. I've read posts from others here who seem to know a lot more about it than me.
So yeh, you're not alone.

Do familiar, safe things that relax you and bring you back down again.

Listen to stuff maybe that keeps you connected, tuned in and in good spirits so you don't get all spaced out.