View Full Version : Heart Shudders

19-12-06, 05:00
Hello Friends-
I have read many, many posts that refer to skipped beats and palipitations
At this point I don't know what the heck I am feeling.
The best I can describe it is like a shuddering of the heart. I then feel adrenaline though maybe the adrenaline comes first and then the shudder? At the same time my throat tightens, seems like it is closing up. Of course this results in fear and anxiety.
I do have HA and bodily sensations are the triggers for my anxiety.
I know that Dr. Claire Weekes refers to this in all her books ( may I suggest that those who have not read any of her books to run out and get them- they are at my side at all times) and as one of her descriptions refers to a feeling as if the heart flops over in the chest- of course we know it really doesnt do that but she is referring to the sensation.
I can go a long while without them and then bingo!
They have surfaced their scarey heads again this week.
I can also say that I can get them even if I am NOT feeling anxious, upset or thinking negatively. Just the other night had one while watching The DaVinci Code.
I do get acid reflux with a lot of belching at times and read on another site that this is related to skipped beats.
By the way, I had an echo in February of this year as the doctor thought I had mitral valve prolapse as he thought he heard a " clicking" sound-the echo was normal.
I have had anxiety since the day I came out of the womb it seems. Over the years I have had nearly every symptom listed in the books- honestly, this is the one that scares me the most.
I would appreciate all feedback and reassurance.
Without a doubt, this site and chat are the two best things on the planet.
May I once again applaud the founders, administrators and all the wonderul people I have met as a result of this site.
This transatlantic site is a blessing indeed.
Merry Christmas and God bless you all.



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

19-12-06, 17:52
Hi Soup

I am new here and already the people have been amazing and I feel so much better.

I too have had the heart crazies. My remedy was to walk and walk and walk . I am lucky inmy partof London that I have great open woodland nearby but even if you only have sidewalks, I urge you to walk and walk and walk. THos e heart hiccups just fade away!

22-12-06, 09:44
Yeah I know how you feel..I can't get away from hearing what mine is doing and recently found out that there may be a more sinster reason that I can hear my pulse all the time ..It may be a twisted vertebra around the main artery in my brain.. but anyway back to what you were saying..athough my heart is suppose to be in this great shape...It sounds weird all the time and beats to its own drum..when its suppose to be beating fast it doesn't and when its suppose to beat slow it doesn't..It used to beat a constant 65 at night now it ranges from 76 to 80 and well..I can hear it do things like a double beat one beat on top of another .. a skipping sound like a child skipping along .. and missed beats .. so no you aren't alone we all have weird hearts or just pay to much attention to them.. I suppose as long as you can feel it beating then there is no cause for alarm.I am at the point im getting angry with mine thinking i just dont care what it does.. but easier said that done.Just hang in there and you will handle it ok.. just try to ignore it as much as possible..


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

22-12-06, 15:37
Hi Rosie

Thanks SO much for your reply.
You are right on the money with your answer.
Dr. Claire Weekes in her books always says that exercise abolishes the skipped beats and that they should not keep someone on the couch.
She also says we shouldn't "listen in " to symptoms.
Easier said then done, right?
I also loved your reference to them as being " heart crazies."
I guess too that we are really fearful of fear if that makes any sense.
Once again, thanks for your reply and for all others who have responded to my post
Please do not hesitate to PM me if you need to.
Merry, merry Christmas from across the pond!!!!!!!!!!!



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

22-12-06, 16:10
My Dear Friend Soup,

I'm so sorry to hear this news of your heart problems. I will say that watching The DaVinci Code could have given you some anxiety as it did to me even though I had read the book, but maybe that is just me. I have never personally felt what you are describing but your throat closing up is definately anxiety probably caused by the feeling that your heart is shuddering. As Dr. Weekes says this is all caused by anxiety and she has described it perfectly in her book. You have proof that this phenomenon exists! I know how scary this must be for you but also how reassuring to have written proof that it can be caused by anxiety. I hope you feel better soon and will have you in my prayers. I wish for a very Merry Christmas.



"Our thoughts are our reality"

22-12-06, 23:24
Dear Soup,

First let me say, I'm old, older then dirt. That's my description, because of palpitations, anxiety, agoraphobia. When I say heart palpitations I mean all kinds. Age sixteen I developed heart skips then fast beat, due to the Asian Flu in 1958. Didn't know it then but did find out in 1990 after an EP study the doc. told me I have Ventricular Tacyycardia, non-sustained. But as you can see there were many years of having a life on hold, because of these sensations. The shuddering you spoke of, I called it quivering. Do you think it would be the same?

1. Your statement: They have surfaced their scarey heads again this week.
The way I discribed them in my book, Fears Flutterby was; they would raise their ugly heads

2. I do get acid reflux with a lot of belching at times and read on another site that this is related to skipped beats.
I also have acid reflux (GERD) and was told because of the Vegas Nerve which runs along the stomach/heart gives the heart sensation. Try the drug Protonics, excellent for reflux and heals the scaring, nope don't have stock in the company.

3. By the way, I had an echo in February of this year as the doctor thought I had mitral valve prolapse I do have Mitral Valve prolapsed since a child, think they called it a murmur back then. Long, long time ago.

4. I have had anxiety since the day I came out of the womb it seems. Over the years I have had nearly every symptom listed in the books- honestly, this is the one that scares me the most.
I loved this sentence also, anxiety since the womb days. I didn't have anxiety since I came out of the womb, as I said up top, I developed it when I had the Flu, then the heart sensations.

My question to you would be; have you had a complete work up by a Cardiologist? Thallium stress test especially? Anything else beside the Echo?
Did you have any illness as a child, Rheumatic fever, a bad flu, etc.
I am here to give you help in anyway I know how being I've been there and it's hard to discuss any of this with someone who hasn't expericenced it.

I think I read Dr. Clair Weeks book when I was in my twenties, during my agoraphia. I also agree this is a great site. Too bad we don't have this in the states

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

23-12-06, 02:08
Hi Rm,
Thanks for your reply to my posting
You mentioned " your book"- Flutterby"
Did you in fact write a book???????
As to rheumatic fever, nope, never had it
Beyond an echo I didnt have any tests such as the thalium which you mentioned
Frankly when I read your post I did get somewhat anxious by reading into I suppose your questions about the various tests and if I had taken them
Please understand that I have Health Anxiety and it can be triggered easily
Have a good holiday season



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

23-12-06, 14:27
Hi Soup,

To your questions: ("You mentioned " your book"- Flutterby"
Did you in fact write a book???????"
Please understand that I have Health Anxiety and it can be triggered easily)

Answer to question; Yes, I wrote, 'Fears Flutterby'. I wrote it because of what happened to me from age sixteen and on, sixty-four now. I understand you have Health Anxiety and 'yes' it can be triggered easily. I just wanted to make sure you've check all basis first.

Hope you are feeling better today,


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend