View Full Version : Pain in left stomach :/

23-07-14, 21:20
Ugh, so I've been having this pain all around my pelvis/stomach area for a few months coming and going now...Ive been to the doctors before about this and had a blood test which came up all clear and she just gave me some vitamin D tablets, cause my levels were a bit low...

So this is a bit tmi...but ive just finished my monthly time and after i finnished i started getting period cramps again and pains around my pelvis/ovary area, which ive had before, and today ive been getting this achy sharp pain in my lower left stomach ares next to my belly button that comes and goes which is worrying, those are the only symptoms ive been having, no strange bowel movements..but the pain is worrying, could it be ibs? anxiety? pain? something serious?

Its all a bit stressful really, im sick and tired of thinking that there's something wrong with me all the time ...

ps. im 16 so could the pain be hormones? the dr told me that it could be but its just the constant worrying about it.