View Full Version : Heart and a quick question about penicillin

24-07-14, 13:06
So my doctor finally has referred me to a cardiologist as my ultrasound has shown that they can't rule out a small hole between the top two chambers of my heart. And she said that they'll consider my palpitations and do more tests etc for that. I looked up the condition online and it doesn't seem too scary but it still makes me a bit nervous especially with all that's been going on for the past 6 months. My appointment is on the 10th of september though and it feels a long long time away.

I've also been having difficulty swallowing sometimes that's turned into sore throats and feelings of something stuck in my throat and my doctor has prescribed 500mg penicillin 4 times a day for a week.

I feel a bit nervous taking prescription medicine, especially combined with the possible 'heart condition'. I took two this morning and as 6 hours apart would make me not sleep very much, i was wondering if 5 hours would be ok today and I can try and increase that to about 5 and a half hours tomorrow?

I also feel a bit nauseas and light headed but I'm not sure if that's due to the penicillin or the stress or my time of month nearing or something.

Basically I'm worrying for no reason about what penicillin could do to me and if I have an illness and something might happen.

Thank you guys

24-07-14, 13:13
Penicillin is one of, if not the most prescribed antibiotic there is. I wouldn't sweat it in the least. For it to be effective, you should follow the directions and take it as prescribed, otherwise, it can't do what it's supposed to do. 4X a day means every 3-4 hours. I'm sure what you're feeling is stress related and I'm also sure that you'll be fine concerning your heart.

Positive thoughts

24-07-14, 13:31
Thank you very much. I think you're right. I'm guessing if I believe that the medicine might cause side effects, headaches and wooziness will happen.

Thanks again.