View Full Version : Why is my anxiety getting worse

little kyle
24-07-14, 15:25
Recently I find that when my mum goes out I panic a lot I feel asiff I can't breath and my throat feels slightly tight I also get butterfly's and find that it's starting to cause me to need the loo I also feel like crying very emotional

Even on a daily basis I feel like I can't breath

I have been to hospital yesterday or the day before heart rate was on the high side.
And I explained i feel like I can't breath so I was given a chest xray and my lungs and chest are 100%

Any help people I can't live like this its destroying my life

24-07-14, 16:23
Are you seeking help? Meds? Therapy? CBT?

Positive thoughts

24-07-14, 16:48
This heat and humid don't help Hun I am struggling sleeping and my anxiety is through the roof I couldn't breathe on tue but I sat down took long deep breaths and my breathing went ok after 15 mins but I panicked thinking I was not going to get my breath back hugs to u hope ur ok soon :hugs:

little kyle
24-07-14, 21:45
I'm seeking CBT and on med's just everything getting worse. Just really want it to stop

24-07-14, 22:03
I'm seeking CBT and on med's just everything getting worse. Just really want it to stop

Well keep up the work with the CBT. Challenge your mindset concerning what apparently is some separation anxiety from your Mom. Do the exercises and you'll see you're not in any danger. When you recognize that you're not in any danger, you should be able to quell the feelings.

Positive thoughts

25-07-14, 06:13
Sometimes it just seems to have a life of it's own and worrying about why it's not going away just makes it worse.

I am also puzzled about mine. My marriage and my kids and my work all make me very happy. I've just lost weight. I should be happy. Yet this anxiety has brought up the most challenging months of my life to date.

Maybe if we embrace it and stop trying to fight it all the time. Treat it like an old friend we know very well?

I don't have the answers but at least with the internet we all have each other. We are not crazy, we are just all super sensitive souls.

25-07-14, 10:50
Hello mate, do yourself a favour and read a book called self help for your nerves by Dr Claire Weekes. It'll help I promise.