View Full Version : Back again

24-07-14, 19:36
So here is my story. For over a month I have had knee and calf pain in my left leg. I had 2 ultrasounds of the leg and one ct scan of my chest as well as a d-dimer 2 weeks ago and they all came out fine.

Then I took two 17 bus trips and the pain got worse. Since I already had the tests, my doctor refuses to do them again even though I have traveled and I know that's a risk for DVT.

Today I had an MRI and now I feel like I'm having trouble getting enough air. Unfortunately, whenever I go to the ER the doctors literally look at me tell me I'm young and healthy and send me home. My PCP is even at the end of his rope with me. He told me there was nothing else he could do and sent me home.

Should I try to go to a different ER? There's not one really close to me, but I'm scared that it could really be a DVT and PE and I know how dangerous that is. Especially since reading up on how often it is misdiagnosed.

24-07-14, 20:39
Do you have other risk factors, family history? Blood clotting disorder? Inactivity?

It sounds to me like your doctor has done everything they should have and your health anxiety is really getting the very best of you right now.

Its hard to go with the fact that everything is ok when our minds keep telling us something so different.

24-07-14, 21:25
No known blood disorder or family history. The only thing is inactivity from traveling. I've been on 60+ hours worth of bus and car trips over the past 2 1/2 months. The last ones being the longest at 17 hours to Chicago and then back. I'm not on birth control or anything either.

I just have pain in the back of my knee and calf and my veins in my leg are sticking out a lot. More than that I just feel like something definitely isn't right but no one else thinks it's a big deal :\ I'm scared and I feel kind of helpless.

29-07-14, 04:12
Sorry to post again. I'm just feeling very anxious and upset. The pain has gotten worse. I have a terrible burning in my foot and calf and now my upper thigh is tender. My foot is all pins and needles too. Not to mention the stitch in my ribcage :(

I went to the ER and got laughed at and sent home. I asked my PCP if we could redo the tests after reading that a lot of people's DVT's were missed the first time around and he refused.

I feel like a very helpless ticking time-bomb.