View Full Version : Hernia?....

24-07-14, 20:30
Hello, a few months ago I had quite bad constipation and piles (sorry if tmi) and went to the out of ours doc. I also had a painful swelling just above my belly button and he said it was an abscess and put me on antibiotics.

The swelling has come back again gradually over the past month or so and is tender to touch. The last few days I've felt sore in that area and had a few pains after eating. Also discomfort seems to go a bit after going to toilet. The swelling is in the same place, just above navel, and I am worried sick what it is. Couldnt get in to doctors today so trying tomorrow. Im worried its anything from an aortic anyeurysm(sp), to the abscess coming back, to a tumour, and then earlier thought hernia.

I know no one can diagnose, its just fam & friends would tell me to stop being dramatic and just see a Dr and I dont think I should google, so this is the only way to cope for now :weep: Has anyone had any experience of a hernia? Do they have to protude through the skin or can it just be a swelling?

Thanks anyone

24-07-14, 20:37
You can see it protruding and can clearly feel that it is not right

24-07-14, 20:42
Oh no thats more worrying then lol, I was almost hoping it was that as the alternatives scare me! thanks for reply, I appreciate it

24-07-14, 20:47
Well obviously a doctor would be able to feel it and tell you either way

24-07-14, 20:49
Yep this is true, trying to use logic instead of my default panic. Thanks

27-07-14, 11:11
Im really sorry ive bumped this and im sorry if this is annoying to anyone, but please can anyone help me, I am in a real panic and so scared what is wrong with me. Im going to a walk in centre in a bit but terrified what they will say, Ive googled abdominal abscesses and it says they can be caused by HIV and cancer :weep:
Im a bloody mess right now, cant focus or breathe normally, I dont want anything bad to happen or they tell me I cant leave and have to be admitted to hospital right away. I hate this feeling :( :( :( :( cant even type properly