View Full Version : feeling really weird after having blood drawn

24-07-14, 21:12
Hi. My name's Eric and I'm a healthy 20 year old male. (I know because my blood test revealed so earlier haha :P)

Anyways, today at the doctors, I had some blood taken. I ate three or three and a half hours before going to the appointment. After they drew the blood, I instantly started to get heart palpitations, then multiple "skipped beat" sensations followed by a very hollowed-out feeling in the center of my chest. I was extremely light headed and faint. Massive waves of fatigue started to hit me one after another. Then, suddenly, it felt like my heart stopped beating alltogether. I couldn't feel it's beats anymore and it was then that I became "numb" to the reality around me. I don't know if I completely fainted or came really close to it. I just barely heard the nurse ask me "what's wrong? Are you okay?" Before I fell forward into the arm rest of the chair.
It was then that I didn't really notice much at all until an emergency staff member rushed over with a cold cloth and began dabbing my forehead with it and took me by the hand. They immediately set me up with that blood pressure thing and pulse plug (the white snap on thing that you wear on your finger) and started to monitor me.
More doctors and nurses came over (4 in total) and started to ask me how I was feeling/what I was feeling. They asked if I knew where I was and who I was etc.
They put an ice pack over the back of my neck for a few minutes. I wasn't "bouncing back" like normal as one of the nurses said. They brought me a wheelchair and some water/crackers and wheeled me to a room with a bed. They put me onto it and stayed watch over me for about another 20ish minutes. I began to feel more and more anxious as time went on but eventually I managed to calm myself just enough to gather some strength, stand up, and leave. They checked my blood sugar during that whole 45 minute ordeal and said it was fine. My vitals also came back fine and they were checking those every 5 minutes or so.
On the ride home, I felt so disorientated and "detached" from my own mind and body. It was such an uncomfortable feeling and I didn't want to be conscious at the time if that helps.
I was weak and shaky the entire time, verrryyy weak and shaky. I'm home now and I just ate two tuna sandwiches and am about to eat a banana as well.
I still feel "out of it" and really strange. It's like my whole body is still reacting to what happened earlier on. I can't describe the sensations I'm experiencing, but it's fairly overwhelming to say the very least and uncomfortable to endure.
Anyone else ever have something like this happen to them? Or at least something similar? Any kind of tips or advice on how to regain "normal" would be greatly appreciated.....
Additional information :
I was very sweaty
Had cold and clammy hands
I still feel lightheaded/out of it
Gut feeling of impending doom

24-07-14, 21:58
You just reacted poorly is all. Some people do with needles. It certainly wasn't from the amount of blood they draw which is minuscule.

All my life I got needles. From the time I was 7-8 years old and got allergy shots etc. Never phased me in the least. Then I went through cancer treatment. Now?... I still have no issues BUT.... when that needle goes into my arm for blood work, I get a tingly "heebie jeebie" feeling from my toes to the top of my head and I feel weird. I guess it's from the ridiculous amount of needles I got during treatment and especially toward the end when my veins were basically collapsing, getting stuck multiple times just to get the dang needle into a vein! *Shudder*

You just had an anxiety/panic reaction is all and now are the after effects from the adrenalin rush.

Positive thoughts

24-07-14, 22:05
Hi there,

I'm not afraid of needles but when I get my blood drawn my experience is basically like this word for word! I have close to low blood pressure so honestly I think it's just that for me.

If you do have lower than normal blood pressure it's not a big deal, but I do ask to lay down while doing blood tests now and I feel a bit better during and after it, and that might work for you too.

If you don't have lower than normal blood pressure, it sounds like you either are scared of needles, (which is totally okay, most people are! haha) or you had a panic attack in response to the sensation/some other random symptom from anxiety. In any of these three cases, it's normal to feel a bit "out of it", tired, etc. This usually goes away by the end of the day, or by the next day :)

Make sure to stay hydrated today and you will definitely feel better soon!

24-07-14, 22:44
Thank you very much. Yeah. That's the worst experience I've ever had involving needles/blood tests.
I'm still a bit, depersonalized, I guess...
I'll grin and bear until tomorrow, I suppose.
I'm drinking plenty of water and have been munching on some fruit (bananas)
I'm feeling a little better with each hour that passes.

25-07-14, 19:02
Considering that blood donors give a pint of blood per visit, a blood test takes a teeny weeny amount in comparison.

I work in an operating department and watch all sorts performed (and see all sorts) with ease yet I am the worst for having injections and blood tests. I used to faint after injections as a kid and I have only recently stopped fainting from blood tests. What you experienced was your mind going 'I don't like this!' hence the palps and so forth.

I still get feelings like this and I can assure you that many more do too!