View Full Version : GOOD NEWS-ish

25-07-14, 09:45
Just had some good news on a new job opportunity.
I should be really happy as it's the job I've been working towards for the past 2 years but I can't keep my mind off of my right side pain.

My brain seems convinced that it's the start of appendicitis and I'm starting to get really annoyed about it. It's taking over my whole life and I'm determined not to let it.

Sometimes the feelings and anxieties just get too strong, so much that I feel to give in.

I just want to thank all you guys for the support you have given me over the past few months.

25-07-14, 09:58
After 2 years trying to get your job I would expect that your anxieties are on a high mine would be. Perhaps your doc can give you something to help with the first few days so that you can settle in.

Its a new start opening a life you have been dreaming of.

wishing you all the best

25-07-14, 10:21
Hi Ray,

Thanks for the support.

I always promised myself that I wouldn't need to take medications to get passed this.
I always pictured the start of my new life, a fresh start and my anxiety wasn't a part of it, but it seems like it always will be.

Thank you

25-07-14, 11:26
I used to feel that my Anxieties are something to be ashamed of because we find it hard to cope with them but there is a reason for them which differs for everyone.

Our doctors help take the edge off while we learn how to control them in different ways. My life is mostly normal now with the help of cit. Better that way than going back to the start of my problems one day I hope to be off them all together.

Life will get better it just takes time and this will seem like a big step for you I expect, there's no shame in asking for a bit of help if you need it.


25-07-14, 13:24
don't know if this helps but I find that thinking of rational causes of a symptom can help get rid of the nasty thoughts, for you I can tell you the pain is not appendicitis as the pain would all be on the left hand side and you would in too much pain to type. Try to think like this when you have nasty thoughts, such as I have a headache, brain says 'I have a tumour', you say to yourself 'No, I don't its hot in this room or I'm tired which has triggered my headache not a brain tumour.' Try it, it will really help!