View Full Version : Have I found the cure for me?

25-07-14, 11:06
My anxiety had worsened and depression had kicked in and I havent had a full nights sleep in weeks so I went online to find something to help.

I came across this lavender oil and the reviews raved it was a "miracle sleep remedy" Thinking it was all just hippy nonsense I ordered some expecting it to not work but was worth a try

But it did work! I popped a few drops on my pillow and its the first nights sleep I have had where I haven't woken up every hour with a panic attack.

I was so elated I ended up sprinkling drops of the lavender stuff around the living-room. Sat here now I feel so much more normal and relaxed then I have done in weeks.

Maybe its a placebo effect or maybe its because I like the smell of lavender I dont know but at the moment its working and I am sticking with it :)

25-07-14, 11:21
Yes lavender oil is very relaxing it's a lovely aroma as well. I used to put lavender oil in my bath and I could sit In The bath for hours but I tried it last night and I was out the bath in seconds dunno y. I've tried batch br that don't help. I am glad it's helped u though

03-08-14, 08:49
I also think that it is a Placebo effect but that is a good thing. At least you were able to look for other ways on how to divert it from fear. Just be strong and think positively. This will help you a lot.

03-08-14, 11:17
Great! Fantastic that you've found something that helps, placebo or not. If it works, keep doing it.