View Full Version : Viral infection bringing me down :(

25-07-14, 12:10
Hi all

Went to my g.p all bloods are normal, ESR, FBC, LFT, U&E.., blood pressure normal, heart rate normal, temp normal, chest sounds clear, my G.P says I have a viral infection it's been a week now nothing they can do and this cough is causing havoc raspy, tickly, back of my throat feels so raw. Fatigue, leaking eyes, i've been coughing up mucus (no blood)..

It's really got me down i've drinking plenty of fluids, taking paracetamol, eating the right stuff and I feel like crap, if this cough was to go i think I'd be better.. Any ideas...??

At this moment I feel as if I need some sort of antibiotic..

All this on top of anxiety is horrible :(

Thanks for taking your time to read this any info would be great as I've ran out


---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 ----------


25-07-14, 12:57
Everything is normal. Antibiotics don't do anything with a viral infection. You have to ride it out and let your body do it's thing. You could try one of the OTC cough remedies. Feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

Daisy Sue
25-07-14, 13:57
I should have read this thread before I replied elsewhere! lol

Aww, it sounds horrid.. a cough linctus might help, as Fishmanpa suggested, also maybe a health food shop might have something to help you feel better and speed up your immune system to fight it. I used to buy something called Sambucol, which kickstarts the immune system when you've got a bug of any kind.

Get better soon!

25-07-14, 15:16
Thanks for your replies fishmanpa and Sue

I'll take both your advice and give it a go :)

Thanks again

Much appreciated


25-07-14, 21:31
Petesy the old remedy of a spoonful of butter with sugar on works wonders to help you stop coughing :) My Mum always gave me that and I gave it to my kids. I still have a spoonful if I am coughing a lot. A spoonful of honey is a good thing to take too as honey is a natural antibiotic.
Make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids and I hope you soon start to feel better :hugs:

26-07-14, 16:21
Thanks Annie

Never heard of the butter and sugar that's a new one to my list :) and that about the honey too.

I couldn't breathe right lastnight, coughing non stop, eyes were bulging out my head, the feeling as if my throat was closing every breath I took and I had to go to the hospital the out of hours doctor sounded my chest and said he could hear crackling in my right lung.... (chest infection)

He's prescribed me amoxacilin 500mg three times a day for a week, and said I should feel a difference in 3 days.. I've been coughing gunk up all morning but I suppose it's better out than in...

Feel really ill but here's hoping the antibiotics do their thing.

Thanks again :bighug1:

Petesy x

26-07-14, 16:35
Hi Petsey,
I had this a while back, absolute nightmare with Anxiety as well.
I put an extra pillow on my bed, this helped a lot. I am also a great believer in Vicks ointment. Rub on the chest, makes you breath like a dream and clears your nose. Drink plenty of water, not just a glass, several glasses. Honey is good; as already suggested. A good old fashioned broth of chicken, onions and carrots clears the sinuses and fights infection. Plenty of fresh air and sleep.:)

Daisy Sue
27-07-14, 08:12
Aw sorry to read it got worse :( Fingers crossed the antibiotics do the trick quickly!! xx

27-07-14, 16:36
Thanks carnation

Yeah you're absolutely right two pillows eases the coughing when going to bed, i've been drinking plenty of water and orange juice, i've also been putting a teaspoon of Manuka honey into a glass of warm water which isn't the greatest taste tbh but what a difference it makes I would strongly recommend this honey :)

The old soup you can't beat it plus I love a good broth :yesyes:

Thanks Sue

Yeah it's day three and as the doc said I should feel the difference in three days think he's right feeling a bit better not 100% but getting there, eating well, drinking plenty fluids, and resting ok :hugs:

Thanks everyone I really appreciate the feedback :bighug1:

Petesy :yesyes:

27-07-14, 21:30
Good old Manuka honey, the best you can get. It is great for all sorts of complaints :)
Get well soon :)

27-07-14, 21:44
Yeah Annie

That Manuka honey is great especially when you're with child :roflmao:

No seriously it's not the best tasting but it's the best if that makes sense lol pretty expensive
Though but doesn't half do the trick :winks:

Hope all of you are in good health and general wellbeing

Take care

Petesy :hugs:

27-07-14, 21:56

Do you have an Aldi store near you? They sell Manuka honey there much cheaper than any where else. I only paid £3.60 ish (can't remember exact p)

27-07-14, 22:18
Yeah it's about 20 mins drive, I'll need to let my parents know that one they paid £12.99 for their's :ohmy:

That's a big difference btw lol

I wouldn't spread the stuff on my toast not a pleasant smell or taste but it's the best considering medicinal purposes, tbh the way my throat was i didn't even care what it tasted like anything too soothe and stop my cough :D

27-07-14, 22:43
I probably shouldn't say this but a little swig of whiskey is great for a sore throat too :D I guess being Scottish you will know that :D I did say a Little :) (maybe I should say sip instead of swig :D

27-07-14, 23:03
Lol the auld hot toadie :D

That's what's called here in Glasgow, and don't worry about saying a swig people up this neck of the woods have a quarter bottle lol

28-07-14, 20:44