View Full Version : Going backwards.

25-07-14, 14:25
So a few years ago I was agoraphobic and used to suffer really badly with depersonalization that it lasted 24/7. Anyways after suffering for four years my doc finally put me on fluoxetine and I just felt so much better and for 2 years I was like the person I was before all this but all of a sudden the fluoxetine aren't helping anymore. I began feeling increasingly anxious going out and started to get the depersonalization again. My doctor put me buspirone 5mg 3 x a day and imiprimine 25mg 3 x a day and they have not helped at all. I had possibly the worst panic attack I have ever had last night and had such bad depersonalization I thought my partner was going to have to get someone to come sedate me. I managed to calm down and get to sleep but I have woken up this morning and I just feel anxious all the time. I don't want to go back to how I was before, how do I nip this in the bud before it gets any worse?

25-07-14, 14:52
Could it be that meds need a bit longer to take effect?
I would definitely go back and have a chat with your doctor to see what he can suggest.
If it is a case of start up difficulties, then they might prescribe a low dose of diazapine,for eg 2 ml to take till you feel a bit more level.
Its easy to think you're going backwards,but it may not be the case.
Best wishes

27-07-14, 18:02
Hi thanks for the reply. The doctor has switched me over to venlafaxine 37.5mg twice a day and propranolol 80mg prolonged release. I have only been on them 2 days so am still feeling quite anxious. Any tips for natural things I can do at home to help me relax while they kick in. I am going to go to the docs tomorrow and ask for a short course of diazepam to help.