View Full Version : Health anxiety or cancer

25-07-14, 16:11
I went away for a week on an activity course, and since I've come back I have been having a really rough time with depression and anxiety, especially my health anxiety and OCD. My fears about leukaemia have come back and I don't know weather this time I actually have it. I am covered in bruises, with a big one on my hip from an activity I did whilst I was away. I know where my bruises came from as I was doing rough activities last week, but I am scared that this is Leukaemia. I have also been feeling tired, which I don't know whether is from my busy week, strong depression or the possibility of leukaemia. I had bloods done around 3 weeks ago which came back all clear, but I don't know if leukaemia could have developed in these 3 weeks. I also have an ache at the top of my left arm which is also an indication of leukaemia. I really don't know what to do this time. Checking behaviours are really starting to take over my life again and my obsessive thoughts are becoming unbearable. Along with the depression, it means the last 3 days have been spent crying in bed. If anyone has any help or ideas, it would be greatly helpful . :smile:


25-07-14, 16:32
Good going on getting out and living life! Sorry you're troubled at the moment.

To answer your question?... It's pretty obvious this is your HA kicking it up a notch as you bloods were clear. Are you doing anything to help gain control of the HA?

Positive thoughts