View Full Version : HA is destroying me

25-07-14, 16:44
I suffer with severe health anxiety and its taking over my life.
Problem is I do have a condition called POTs its basically an abnormality with the autonomic nervous system this makes my anxiety a million times worse.
ive had that many tests done in the last two weeks but I feel no better.
Its just symptom after symptom.
Racing heart/slow heart
low blood pressure/ high blood pressure
palpitations/skipped beats
chest pain/tightness
extreme shortness of breath/ needing to yawn constantly
gasping for breath/ in sleep also.
The list goes on.
ive really had enough.

25-07-14, 17:21
Sorry to hear about that. Gather you've had the tilt table test? POTS is quite common but the effects vary some people are literally housebound because the collapse so often. You list the most common symptoms and they can have a massive affect on livelihood. For some POTS goes away when older.

Some medication such as beta blockers can help. Drinking more water and eating more salt helps some and should be discussed with you doctor also compression stockings and exercise can help. Obviously rising up from laying slowly and walking slowly up stairs helps. POTS can also come and go.

26-07-14, 11:16
My gp doctor seams to think its severe stress and anxiety that has caused my flare up. Im on so many different medications for pots and anxiety etc.
diazepam and now my doc wants to try me on a medication called pregabalin!
I was completely fine a month a go!
I believe the stress of some unbelievable life experiences over the last few months has triggered me into a mental breakdown. Anxiety is that high I cant gain control and its now caused a flare up of my condition pots. To top it all of im convinced I had a virus. And just finished my course of antibiotics for a water infection!
Trying to stay positive! X