View Full Version : Weight loss tips please

25-07-14, 18:50
I'm struggling with my weight at the moment badly before I started mirtazipine I was 11stone 3 now I weigh just under 15 stone :-( I am taking 45mgs of mirt the hunger I get is so bad I am hungry all the time. Plus now I've put on so much weight I'm sweating loads and get embarrassed about it.

25-07-14, 20:22
Hi Sam
I've lost about 20lb since I've been on mirt,I've done it by cutting out all the junk and ready to cook meals,all that kind of stuff.
I eat mountains of fresh fruit,I put low fat Greek yogurt, and some honey on top and its gorgeous.
I get the half fat cheese and have never more than a couple of slices of bread a day.
I always have some wholegrain cereal in the morning with semi skimmed milk.
Once you get into it its ok,you don't miss the other things.:)

25-07-14, 20:38
I too have put on weight from Mirtazapine, whilst it was very much welcomed the new weight has found its way to my tummy :/

The only advice I can give is to suppress the hunger with healthy options such as fruit (remember that seeds and nuts are high in fat and oils so these are not necessarily a good healthy option) and make sure you are exercising. You should speak to your doctor about the added weight.

25-07-14, 22:02
Thank you for the replies. I. Going to start a food diary as well see if that helps and looking in to stocking up on more fresh fruit :-)

27-07-14, 19:39
A food diary is an awesome idea. I found keeping one very effective for raising my awareness of what I was putting in my body. I discovered I was drinking waaaaay more soda pop than I realized. And was also eating my biggest meals in the wee hours of the morning. I gained a lot of weight when I was taking Depakote and Zoloft as a treatment for being bi-polar. I was starving all the time and ate whatever I wanted whenever. My uncle, who had recently lost a bunch of weight, told me that he drank a lot more water and he felt that was the most effective part of his weight loss plan. He carried around a big jug of water and drank from it all day. A lot of people don't realize they are not getting enough water. It's such a simple thing, which I think is why it's easy to forget. When I started drinking more water (about a liter and a half to two a day) the weight came off much easier. And my energy levels went up. With any weight loss plan, I think the first thing to always do is become more aware of your water intake. Maybe adding it to your journal? Best of luck to you! I have always struggled with my weight (and being super sweaty and the anxiety that comes with that) and I know how hard it can be.