View Full Version : Odd pains I've never had before.

26-07-14, 05:46
Alright, this might be a little TMI, idk but I'll just explain the problem.

For the past week, I have had a slight pain in my left ovary region. It almost feels like the pain I get in my abdomen when I haven't had a bowel movement in a while, and for a while I thought it was that. But over the week, it has stayed in that same spot and I've had pretty regular daily bowel movements, so I think I can rule constipation out. It went away for a day or two, but now it's back, not as severely as it was a few days ago though.

Just last night, when I was laying in bed, I noticed in my groin, also on the left side, around the lymph node area, it's tender to the touch. I've never had this happen before.

My period is supposed to be starting any day now, so could I just be ovulating and the hormones are causing these things to happen? Usually it's the lymph nodes in my armpits that get a bit sore before my period, but they aren't sore right now. I am really concerned :( But I don't have the option to go to the doctor at the moment.

Has anyone had this happen?

27-07-14, 03:05
If you're close to your period then it may be some pre-menstrual pain. It may just be that you're ovulating a bit earlier or later than usual. It may also just be that you have a slight infection or virus that has caused a lymph node in that area to respond. Lymph nodes sometimes flare when you have a little cold or bug that you don't even realise you have. If you don't have the option to go to your doctor you could always call and speak to a nurse on the phone for a bit of advice. I don't know what kind of systems you have over there, but we have nurse 'hotlines' that you can call 24/7 with questions or for advice if you can't see a GP or don't think a problem is serious enough for a GP.

27-07-14, 04:09
If you're close to your period then it may be some pre-menstrual pain. It may just be that you're ovulating a bit earlier or later than usual. It may also just be that you have a slight infection or virus that has caused a lymph node in that area to respond. Lymph nodes sometimes flare when you have a little cold or bug that you don't even realise you have. If you don't have the option to go to your doctor you could always call and speak to a nurse on the phone for a bit of advice. I don't know what kind of systems you have over there, but we have nurse 'hotlines' that you can call 24/7 with questions or for advice if you can't see a GP or don't think a problem is serious enough for a GP.

Our version of that is called NHS111 except you speak to a call handler who can pass you off to a nurse or they can send you to A+E or get an out of hours GP to ring you. Lots of people complain about but I used it after banging my head on a metal bunk bed and I was put through to a nurse who told what I needed to do they were brilliant.

27-07-14, 06:15
Thank you for confirming that :) it's good to know! Not that I will ever use it, but it'd be nice to be able to give advice with relevant details to the poster, haha!

I've used the hotline here before once after splashing hot oil in my eye and being unsure of protocol (was I supposed to rinse it, cover it, see a doctor?). I found the nurse fantastic help - she talked me through how to rinse it, how long and in what instance I would need to go to emergency. FYI if you spash oil in your eye you should flush it with cool-lukewarm (not cold) water for 20-25 minutes. Definitely not an easy thing to do. I was so sick of it after the first minute. But hey, it kepy my eye good as ever, and I didn't even need to see the doctor, so I am very grateful!

Wow, that was quite a tangent to take - my apologies Haruka! Back on track, I'd suggest giving that NHS111 line a call if you're unable to see a doctor but still a bit concerned about that pain.