View Full Version : Anxiety/Depression stemming from very low self-esteem

26-07-14, 17:43
Hi all,
I'm an Irish girl living in the Middle East and it's the end of my 5th year here. Severe self-esteem issues since I was a reenager so going on 12 years now. Have ruined relationships with guys by being clingy and needy. .. Really hate myself at times.. In relationship with Arab guy now since October who's great and adores me, but I freak out any time he leaves me.. I feel insane and really need help... generally an anxious person.. was on citrol when I was 19 and suicidal but weaned myself off them in 2012 under doctor's supervision. Very jealous and possessive to point where anxious about watching TV & going out with my boyfriend. Fear is debilitating. Feel bad for my bf he puts up with a lot. I'm a bit overweight too and eating junk makes me feel better but weight gain relates back to lower self esteem! Vicious cycle. . Help! Has anyone else ever been here?!!! Desperate to live again and Improve my relationship!! :(

---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

Also, must add.. Friends & bf say I'm an amazing person amd too kind and nice ... I know this about myself somewhere deep inside but this fear is so just so controlling, it's ruining me I hate tje person I become with it.. really want to know if anyone's ever been like this! I am very good at helping others, just not myself! :O I am more than happy to try to help you too with anything I can!

26-07-14, 20:41
Hi You might find this helpful http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=47

27-07-14, 16:17
Nice to meet you Aiscon,

I hope this forum can help you.
