View Full Version : cant breath

26-07-14, 19:20
Anybody else find it harder to breath due to anxiety or heat? I feel like im constantly tsking deep breaths and when thats not enough I just yawn none stop!
Ive had chest xray asthma tests and oxygen levels checked all say im fine.
my doc tells me its anxiety but its getting no better!

26-07-14, 20:11
A lot of us are having similar problems this week - lots of posts going around the various forums about anxiety and hot weather. This type of humid heat is stressful for anyone with anxiety problems -it is so warm and fuggy that you feel there is no air, causing you to breathe harder and deeper and in the process overbreathing and making yourself more anxious.

Once it cools off a bit you will feel easier.

27-07-14, 00:23
I am the same with this humidity. Feel like I'm not getting enough air even with fans on. I live in ground floor flat so I can't leave my big windows open at night....phew so muggy:mad:

I shouldn't moan really but hey ho! :lac:

27-07-14, 11:52
Do you find yourself taking deep breaths and yawning all the time? Im becoming obsessed with my breathing so im now breathing abnormal because im over thinking it! X

27-07-14, 12:47
Yes I have asthma and I am finding it hard to breathe its horrible and now I suffer form panic attacks in the last month.

27-07-14, 14:29
I just had my asthma tests yesterday but my gp said its all fine. I take a beta blocker called atenolol and it gives me a slight wheeze but I've had it many years.
This spout of anxiety has been the worse in my life im pretty sure I had a mini breakdown x

27-07-14, 23:50
Yes I am continuously sighing and yawning. At the moment here at nearly midnight its still 20 degrees!