View Full Version : need to go docs but too scared

26-07-14, 21:39
Im not sure what to do. Im not sire if this is the right place but i think i need to go docs. I keep getting panic attaks. I also keep getting chest pains and dizzy spells. I keeps getting anxious over everything and i keep feeling trapped. Does anyone have any advice or stories to share with me?

Tha k you for everything and im so sorry of i have annoyed any of you the past few weeks. Just been tough. Xx

26-07-14, 21:56

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

26-07-14, 22:04
I think that would be a good idea. I really think you need to talk to someone who is a professional. You can't talk to your Family, they are part of the problem also. Don't worry, you won't get anyone in to trouble, the Doctors deal with this sort of thing all the time and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Even if it is just for one visit, I think it will help.:)

26-07-14, 22:25
I dont know. Whay if i sound crazy? X

26-07-14, 22:52
It's scary making that first step and seeing a doctor. I was so worried about sounding stupid or that they would tell me there was nothing they could do. Or what they would think of me for saying how I felt. (Still feel like that though!) But it's really worth it. It's pretty standard for a doctor to see someone for mental health issues, I think on average a doctor has at least one patient a day in to see them that has mental health issues. Plus I'm certain they've seen a lot worse!

27-07-14, 00:57
Im not sure it is to do with mental health. What if there is something actually wrong? Im so scared.. thank you for sharing yiur feelings with me kimberly. Xx

27-07-14, 10:09
Right Soph, from what I can see,you probably don't have a life threatening illness, though I am no doctor :) panicking about going to the doctor seems to be what is happening, and it seems that your imagination is winning over your common sense - exactly what happens with my Hollie over school, so not easy to beat your imagination, so maybe do it in steps... don't forget the people are here , so book a doctor appointment and let us know when you have done it. Booking it does not mean you have to go, but by making that call you have done something positive. You can't do this alone, I don't think, but you can't ignore it, and I don't think you want to, either. Write down what is happening so when you get to the doc you don't miss anything out. I did that for Hollie, just as well as I froze when we first went in -and I'm not the patient! For info,even from this forum you can tell that what is happening to you is a lot more common than you would have imagined, and the doctors have seen it all and are caring, so have a cup of tea and start writing down your thoughts ... good luck xx

---------- Post added at 10:07 ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 ----------

and Soph,for some reason I've got a feeling you're quite young, I'm sure I've read another post from you. The doctor can recommend CAMHS, child and adult mental health service, but the waiting list is humungous, Hollie usedto see thme but now sees CASY, counselling and support to young adults, this is a voluntary service and you get seen a lot quicker and more often, could be what you need:
Your doc can ask for a recommendation for you, so do mention it oryou might be able to contact them direct if you feel you can

---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 ----------

and don't let the words mental health worry you either, ok? scared the shit out of me at first - just means you're thinking a bit differently at the moment that's all :)

27-07-14, 11:00
Hi soph we are all here for u. :hugs: u need help and support hun

Let us know what happens

27-07-14, 11:38
Ummm. Wow toniandhollie. That was alot to take in. You are right i am young i guess. Im only 18. Im just scared of being judged or something. I dont want to to sound crazy or dumb or pathetic. I dont want to be a label and part of a statistc. I dont want to lose any of my friends because of the way i am. Ďu know what i mean? This is all his fault. If he didnt do this to me i would be fine today. I have been through so much and it is just hard to control it all.
Souder, you really believe everyone î on my side and behind me one hundred percen? Xxx

27-07-14, 11:46
Yes hun why wouldn't they be we are all in the same boat on here hun we support each other

27-07-14, 12:57
hey,Soph, don't be too hard on yourself, you are quite clearly not dumb, crazy or pathetic ... just needed some love and understanding at a difficult time, and I don't like labels either, as I am stuck with the "can't sing for toffee but insists on getting up on the karaoke" label! Make a docs appointment, as I am sure a bit of councelling could do you the world of good. You friends are probably a lot less judgemental than you would think as well, but I know that is probably hard to appreciate whilst you are feeling like this. Say to yourself, what would I do if this was my friend, you'd probably want to know and help wouldn't you? And that's probably what yours will be like for you. take care little one xx

27-07-14, 13:02
hey,Soph, don't be too hard on yourself, you are quite clearly not dumb, crazy or pathetic ... just needed some love and understanding at a difficult time, and I don't like labels either, as I am stuck with the "can't sing for toffee but insists on getting up on the karaoke" label! Make a docs appointment, as I am sure a bit of councelling could do you the world of good. You friends are probably a lot less judgemental than you would think as well, but I know that is probably hard to appreciate whilst you are feeling like this. Say to yourself, what would I do if this was my friend, you'd probably want to know and help wouldn't you? And that's probably what yours will be like for you. take care little one xx yeah I agree toniandhollie:)

27-07-14, 15:37
Yeah i would want to help anf thst is what li want to do as a future job. Just cant believe what i have been through. So so much. Could someone message me please? Could do with a chhat. And please dont worry about me. Im fine. Thank yiu for your help and support. Im just a stupid little girl xxx

27-07-14, 16:28
hey Soph, no slg ok - and that's me with my serious "no" head on :) I don't know how to message sorry, I do know how to worry though, and yes you're ok, you just need to get chatting and get all these thoughts that are hurting you out ... hope someone messages you xxxxx

27-07-14, 17:11
No slg? What foes that mean? And thank you for everything. I will message yiu then toniandhollie xxx

27-07-14, 17:40
no more saying you're a "stupid little girl" ok ;) you're a good person, whole life ahead of you and off to uni ok, so i think that makes you a "gpwlaoyaotu" xx

27-07-14, 23:19
Thank tou for everyhting today.xxxxx