View Full Version : Derealization/Depersonalization?

26-07-14, 23:05
Can someone define the two separately for me?

I think I'm struggling with either or. It's really weird. I feel like my Mind abandoned it's self after so many panic attacks that caused many sleepless nights and overly-anxious days.

I'm sitting here now feeling detached from my body and "numb" to my surroundings. It's like the physical world has no significance anymore...no meaning. It's almost like a constant, blurry dream-like state and I'm looking through a pair of tired eyes constantly. Nothing seems "real" to me the past few days. It's scary, but at the same time, it's almost...relaxing?

I don't know how to describe it, in all honesty. I'm at a loss.
I say it's sort of relaxing because if my mind is going numb to reality, then things will bother me less or even not at all, right? At least, that's what it feels like...sort of like a defensive shield that my subconscious put into place to ward off all the stress/anxiety. I mean, I've been VERY stressed out and restless the past five months. (I've had ER trips and multiple doctor's visits/sleepless nights..)

All in all, it just feels like I'm drifting aimlessly through Life without almost any feelings..kind of like a ghost.

Does this make sense to any of you guys out there? I hope so...

Any feedback/advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated as usual!

27-07-14, 08:52
What you're suffering sounds like depersonalisation, a very common feature of panic attacks and panic disorder. Derealisation is similar, but more about the world around you feeling fake or cartoony than inner detachment. Are you treating your panic or anxiety at all? The good news is that your symptoms are entirely curable and temporary with the right treatment-- you just have to try a lot of things till you find what works for you :) till then, do some breathing exercises, be okay with it being there rather than afraid, and rest a lot. You may feel numb and detached but the real you is still in there and it won't last forever. It can't hurt you at all

28-07-14, 00:10
Thanks. Yeah, I've been doing whatever I can lately to ease the symptoms. It's very difficult to keep in check and sometimes I just feel so strange, like my body will randomly feel like it weighs a thousand tons or I'll get lightheaded and feel like I'm about to pass out, etc.