View Full Version : Where do I begin? Happy to have found this forum

27-07-14, 04:37
Hi :) I have been diagnosed with everything you can imagine, and have also been prescribed a wide variety of medications over the years. I am currently un-medicated, except for my thyroid meds. One of the times I was in the hospital for depression, they checked my thyroid and told me I had hypothyroidism. I have been taking synthroid for over a decade now. I worry nonstop. What I worry about changes. Today it could be cancer, the next day it could be the lizard that lives on my porch- Is he sick? He doesn't look well "obsessivley researches on the web for an hour to find out the species and what a healthy one looks like" followed by an hour of trying to catch bugs and feed them to it, finally realizing I am freaking it out and doing more harm than good, and then worrying about that for the rest of the day :wacko:
Currently I am obsessing about germs. I am also suffering from a myriad of infections since moving to the tropics, and am convinced that it's the germs all around me and this hot and humid climate combined with constant sweating is the cause of my ailments. It feels like a losing battle. I am worrying right now if this post is too long, am I describing my self correctly, if I should even be participating in a forum of any sort. We'll start with that :yesyes:

27-07-14, 16:14
Hello Devorah,

I'm glad you have found the forum and I hope it helps you!
