View Full Version : Feeling weird....

27-07-14, 18:16
Right il try and explain this as I feel..

Pretty much I feel like I'm within myself, like everything seems to be happening around me but inside my head feels foggy/drunk?? I've found if I wear sunglasses that these feelings are not so prominent?? :shrug:

Does anyone know what this could be? Some days are worse than others x

Thanks all :hugs:

27-07-14, 19:16
Yep, I had the same feeling last weekend it was awful, apparently it's anxiety related. I felt like I was in a dream and found it very difficult to speak to anyone. I think I'd got overtired from a mega busy week and have been having tests done, but it was awful and scary at the time. Do you suffer from bad anxiety usually?

27-07-14, 19:35
I've had anxiety/panic on and off since I was around 18 I'm 26 now & not had it for around 4 years xx

27-07-14, 20:12
I have had this for about two days. Weird feeling in my chest, swimmy head, I feel like I'm not 'me', but I am at the same time. When it gets bad I feel like 'something' is wrong, I just don't know what.

From what I have read, this is just the animal that is panic and anxiety. I'm still trying to accept that myself.

27-07-14, 20:47
Natural stress response, the brain trying to remove you from the outside situation to protect you...just a mistake that will correct itself. You feel better with sunglasses because they are blocking out more external stimili such as bright colours and lights so you're freed up a bit to think/see more clearly.

27-07-14, 20:53
Glad other people experience these feelings! Think il stick with my sunglasses if they help lol x