View Full Version : Lump in my chest

28-07-14, 01:37
Hi guys, so I am panicking about a health concern, which I have now had for a loooonnnng time... I am so mad at myself for never telling anybody about it, or attempting to find out what was wrong. Crazy I know - worry about my health non stop, yet don't seek help about something that has made me ultra worried for years.

OK, so basically I have some kind of lump / mass in my upper left chest, a couple of inches above my nipple, it feels pretty big from what I can tell and is quite hard, but not really that painful - just feels a bit uncomfortable if I press it too much. Also feels as though there are some sort of ridges / bumps across it, although it isn't that uneven. I have occasionally had some sharp pains in the area, but they have only lasted for a second or two and I do also get a few dull aches there too, from time to time.

I've convinced myself it is cancer and that it must be serious, although I am guessing its unlikely as I've had it there for about 10 years now - I know, I know the ultimate case of burying my head in the sand due to fear... Such stupidity on my part. I finally feel like I have a little more confidence and may go to my doctor about it... Was just hoping for a few words of comfort and advice from you guys :)

Thanks a lot for reading.

28-07-14, 02:35
Hi - if you have had it for that long and it has not grown in size, it is not cancer. It is a lipoma - just a fatty lump that forms under the skin that some people are prone to. My partner gets them constantly and once every few years he gets them removed. They are NOT cancer and cannot "turn into" cancer.

I have anxiety about moles on my body and my derm said this to me: if it's been there a long time and has not grown in size rapidly or changed dramatically in some characteristic, it is almost certainly not cancer.

28-07-14, 02:39
if it's been there 10 years, it's not cancer otherwise you would have well and truly known about it years ago.

28-07-14, 03:08
Thanks so much guys... Just hearing someone else say that has made me feel so much better. I've said the same things to people on the forums before, but when it comes to myself, logical thinking completely goes out of the window...

Catherine S
28-07-14, 12:24
I think that's normal DJ, we are always better at giving advice than taking it. But how sad that you've carried this worry around all these years...you mad lad :D


28-07-14, 14:51
you mad lad :D


Yep, that pretty much sums me up :blush:

28-07-14, 15:23
I get lumps, limpoma they are called. I have one on my arm and one behind my ear. Been there for YEARS. They freaked me out once too and the doc said that is what it was. Never looked back. I know, I sometimes bury my head in the sand too, I get so tired of worrying about everything!