View Full Version : Still worried

28-07-14, 04:18
Last night, I got the usual headaches at the top of my head like Ive been having. This time with more pressure. The headache was mild. But my mom fed up of my complaining decided to take me to the ER. When we arrived I was feeling weak and shaky and I felt as if my legs would give out any minute (the power of anxiety wow).

I explained my symptoms to the doctor. They drew blood and hooked me up to an IV and began to run intravenous rehydration. The blood tests (for thyroid problems and anemia) came out normal. And didn't seem concerned about my headaches.

Before the doctors came in I mentioned my eye being slightly droopy/smaller than the other to the nurse. She looked at it and said she didn't see it.

I defiantly forgot to mention it to the actual doctors. After them dismissing all of my worries I'm still concerned about my eye. I'm trying to convince myself its stress related but every time I take a picture just to make sure its back to normal it still looks slightly droopy. Sigh.

Has anyone else experienced this?

28-07-14, 12:33
I recall a post a while back where someone thought they were losing weight on one side of their stomach. Physiologically this is not possible. I recall another where someone thought they were losing fat in their hands only. Again, this is impossible. No one else saw this. In their minds however, this was really happening. The mind is a very powerful organ and can cause you to see, feel, hear and experience things that aren't anchored in reality. I believe you are seeing this but you have to ask why no one else is.

Positive thoughts

28-07-14, 18:38
Ive asked my dad and even my younger sister if they see it, and of course they said yea it looks slightly smaller. However i asked my mom but she didnt see it. It isnt noticable at all if i examine it in the mirror. They both look equally their size. I dont know if my right eye is swollen. Or my left eye is the problem and is actually droopy. I'm going in circles and im almost convinced this is a sign of a brain tumor :scared15:

28-07-14, 18:54
Human beings are asymmetric. Totally and absolutely normal to have a corresponding body part that's not 100% equal to each other.

Are you doing anything to help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

28-07-14, 19:08
I didn't notice this before, probably because i wasn't so enthralled with my health and didn't worry constantly like I do now. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posts i appreciate it a lot

I'm not doing anything at the moment.

28-07-14, 19:13
I didn't notice this before, probably because i wasn't so enthralled with my health and didn't worry constantly like I do now. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posts i appreciate it a lot

I'm not doing anything at the moment.

Ok... please listen. You're too young to be suffering with this. In fact, there are many, many young people on this site that suffer and it makes me sad :( I'm a Dad to two adult children. My youngest is 21. She has anxiety issues. Her Mom and I have made sure she's getting help. She sees a therapist and is on meds to help her. She's doing quite well now. Talk to your Mom and Dad about this and ask them to help you. Tell them you have these irrational thoughts and fears and need help handling them. If you were physically hurting, you would seek help right? Well, you're mentally hurting and there's no shame in getting help. Be an inspiration for all the other young people here. Show them how the dragon can be defeated ya hear?

Positive thoughts

28-07-14, 20:13
Its true I am too young for all of this. Ive talked to my parents my dad isn't very supportive and thinks its a phase I chose to go through which I didn't. Since no one else in the family suffers from anxiety except me. Before all of this I was visiting a therapist, But I chose to stop going since I was okay till now. But I'm determined to go back, and try my best to defeat this :)