View Full Version : Stomach problems

28-07-14, 07:00

Well, I am back here :-(

I suffer periodically from HA. It goes away completely for months and months, and then comes back. Is that fairly typical? I had an Ovarian Cyst at the beginning of the year, and I convinced myself it was cancer (I am 52).
At the follow up US, it had gone away, so I was really happy..normal life resumed.

However, last Weds evening, I suddenly felt very nauseaus (I wan't worried about anything, and was out shopping --- I had to go home). Since then, my stomach has felt weird, and as soon as I start to eat, I feel uncomfortable and full. Mild nausea also comes and goes. I don't think it is anxiety, (as I wasn't in a period of HA), but a real symptom. So its been 5 days now :ohmy:

My eyes are also very sore, and weeping - swollen and I can't keep them open. And I am bruising very easily, I am almost a mass of bruises. My sides ache, as does my right calf. I generally feel rubbish.

I am so scared I have stomach cancer. I looked up the stats, and it said that less than 8,000 people a year are diagnosed in the uk each year. So I am hoping that means it isn't. I don't smoke, eat a fairly healthy diet, but there are no guarantees are there? My sister in law died of stomach cancer in her early forties.

How long should I wait before going to the doctors? So scared, so tired.

Sorry to go on, I just have no-one to talk to. :weep:

28-07-14, 07:34
Hi Sadie. MY HA never presented periodically. Sometimes were worse than others but it was always there. Are you going through a period of stress at present?

28-07-14, 08:57
Sometimes anxiety can manifest itself as physical symptoms even when we don't "feel" anxious or stressed. It's still there. Anxiety wreaks havoc on the GI system, resulting in nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, losing appetite, virtually everything. You're worried because of the cyst, but it's gone, so no need to worry. Stomach cancer is very rare and your symptoms are related to your fear and anxiety, not a physical illness. Not to mention, in the realm of physical illness, there are a million different things that could cause your symptoms that are not cancer of any kind. The physical symptoms of anxiety suck I know :(

28-07-14, 14:33
I also worry about stomach cancer so I know how you feel , I've been getting bad back and side pain and very bad flatulence flat stools etc etc I've had sigmoidoscopy but bottled the colonoscopy I had a huge panic attack outside the hospital ...... And to top it off I was diagnosed with low iron so sent my anxiety up higher

29-07-14, 15:39

Thank you for the replies, I had trouble getting back online.

Well, I have been speaking to a friend, who is also my canoe coach, and I have made an emergency appointment at the doctors, as he said I need to get checked out for Weils disease!! That really spooked me.

My eyes are still very sore, my calves are very painful. My appetite seems to be improving a bit though.

In the last 10 days, I have been on a river trip, which included a capsize, and also have been scuba diving in a quarry, which included mask clearing. in which I opened my eyes.

Appointment in about two and a half hours. Being honest, if it is Weils disease, then I know I can cope with that. The only things that really frighten me are cancer and HIV.

Cags48, sorry to hear you panicked about the colonoscopy, it may have put your mind at rest.

Well, maybe I am a little scared... my armpits are aching, I think that may be lymph nodes? :ohmy:

29-07-14, 21:48
How did the appointment go Hun?

30-07-14, 06:37
Hi Jonesie

Well, the doctor told me that there are only 40 cases in the UK each year, so the chances are extremely slim, as they are mostly in stagnant urban waters, such as canals in cities etc. I came out in a fast flowing river in the country (although there were a lot of farm animals).

She has ordered me some blood tests on Thursday, but said I shouldn't worry about it, and the canoe coach is probably just covering the club, and being a good friend.

Anyway, the blood tests will be reassuring I hope. Just hope I get the results before I go on holiday next week.

thank you