View Full Version : Can you feel the psychical symptoms, but not the emotional ones

28-07-14, 11:58
I tend to have panic episodes that last for a week or so. I spend a week or more constantly on edge, afraid to go out, never feeling like I can breathe and having panic attacks every few hours. The last few days have been like that, but with some will power I've managed to stop panicking and am carrying on with things as normal. However even though I don't feel scared all the time anymore, I still do constantly feel like I can't breathe and tight chested.

Does anyone know if this is simply the episode's way of zoning out and that maybe I just need to wait a few days and my breathing will slowly return to normal or should I be worried here? The reason I ask is because I'm asthmatic as well and I'm not sure how I should be responding to this?

28-07-14, 12:20
I used to have 'anxiety' without actual anxiety - i.e. I didn't feel any emotion, I just had the physical symptoms. It's a type of dissociation, when the emotions become overwhelming and you disconnect from them. That's probably the most likely cause.

However, if you're severely asthmatic you might want to have a quick word with the doctor and make sure. I'm sure they'll understand the confusion. I haven't got asthma anymore but from what I can remember, it causes difficulty specifically breathing out, rather than quick sharp breaths, but you'll know better what your asthma feels like. Have you tried taking Ventolin to see if it relieves the symptoms?

28-07-14, 12:50
Yea I've taken alot of it, don't feel much different. I think it most probably isn't asthma as I don't have severe asthma and when i do get it, it normally makes me cough and wheeze as opposed to feeling like I can't breathe, I feel atm just like when I'm panicking and as you can get disconected emotionally, that's comforting, thanks. It's just difficult, because it feels like there's a voice in my head constantly saying "But what if you're wrong?" "What if this time it really is asthma?" "What if? What if? What if?"

Have you or anyone else ever experienced it in week long episodes like this and if you did, was it a slow fading out when it passed or was did it abruptly go?

28-07-14, 14:16
This is very, very common - especially if you've had a panic attack at some point in your life.

Your not feeling anxious, but the very fact your downing your inhaler and questioning it on a forum proves that you ARE anxious, or at least on your guard for something to happen to you.

Your monitoring the symptom, sensitising the nerves in your chest and reminding yourself that there might be an issue bubbling away - all of this exaggerates any tension your feeling :)

Your just tense and overly aware of your chest!

28-07-14, 14:31
I think you've hit the nail on the head, thank you. Guess I'll keep driving myself forwards and wait until the anxiety dissolves naturally to the point I'm not questioning it. Thanks again :)

28-07-14, 14:52
Well done for taking control man - that's half the battle right there.
Yes! The way I sometimes see it is like it's the last ditch attempt of the panic trying to drag me down, but really I think it's just the bodies reaction to stress, panic attacks or none. I don't panic often but when I do I feel it physically for days. The only way to help it is to be positive if you can and relax, if it's the stress.

I often get the physical symptoms before I even know I'm stressed or feeling panicky!
I can have a normal day then get palpitations at night and/or a tight chest the next morning, then I know I need to take it a bit easier or something.

I've been having panic attacks and palpitations for 9 years (I'm 25) and I always assumed they had taken a toll on me but the last time I had a check up my test results were almost perfect. He said my lungs and heart were as healthy as they could be.