View Full Version : Update (Post-GP Visit)

28-07-14, 16:47
For the last few weeks I have felt terrible with panic, anxiety and depression as well as stomach problems (urology) which I am under a consultant for and due for some tests in August and September.

Anyway, my GP appointment was not until August 8th but this morning I decided to go along and see my GP as I really was not feeling well at all with depression, palpitations, stomach pain and general lethargy.

My GP done my BP, slightly higher than normal but not dangerous - she described it as 'borderline' at 146/90 and nothing to worry about at the moment as I was feeling unwell so it was slighly raised due to that.

I also took a urine sample as I have reoccuring UTI's and yet again blood particles in sample so antibiotics for that.

We also took some time to review my medication as it is obviously not working (Citalopram) after 8 years. She prescribed me Setraline 50mg and for the first 2-4 days take half a tablet then one tablet per day and also Propanalol (beta blocker) for palpitaions and heart rate.

My Father had Setraline some time ago and had to come off of them as they made him worse - headaches, dizziness, sick etc so of course I am worried about starting them - I suppose I need to at least try them. As for the Propanalol she said to take them when needed i.e. a few days before going away or a social activity to calm myself down.

Hopefully my urology problem will be sorted in time and hopefully the new meds will make me feel better. Things cannot be much worse at the moment for me.

29-07-14, 12:27
No one interested in my post? OK, that is fine.

Anyway, not feeling great with upset stomach, stomach pains and lethargy so may as well just go back to bed.

29-07-14, 12:29
There aren't necessarily many people around at any one time, which is rpobably why your post didn't get answered.

Just for the record, I take Sertraline and have been absolutely fine with it - hope this helps.

29-07-14, 12:46
Sorry for being snappy, generally not feeling well at the moment.

I started on 25mg today and will do the same dose for a few days before going on to 50mg. I will see how I am in a week or so. Just feeling pretty low with upset stomach and pains and generally not well at the moment.

If I can I am due out for a few hours Saturday with friends - can I drink on these? Not extreme but say 3-4 drinks max? I have not drunk in a while and feel it may help with being social again. On Citalopram I was fine with alcohol but it says not to on Setraline. I cannot go on forever without being allowed to have a drink with friends

29-07-14, 13:21
Hiya, I'm on 100 mg sertraline, started on 50 mg 4 months ago. I've found it quite beneficial and never had any major side effects.

From what I've read drinking on it is fine and I have been drinking, only 2/3 times, and I've never had any problems.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

29-07-14, 13:59
Hi Mat
How are you feeling today?

29-07-14, 16:45
Hi. I am very up and down, new meds and all that. I have stomach problems and total lethargy and no enthusiasm but on the flip side it cannot be out of control as today I managed to go to the local shops and also do some job searching as well as have a shower and a shave. I guess if it was severe depression I would not want to do any of that? I think it is more my anxiety about "what ifs" as I am thinking about my day out Saturday already and panicking about it.

I do feel shaky and panicky all the time though, it doesn't seem to subside at any point.

Generally don't feel well to be honest

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

Is it normal to feel totally on edge all the time? I feel shaky and restless constantly. My GP has given me Propanalol as well as Setraline but said to take it when I need it as not needed ongoing. Should I take one now?

29-07-14, 17:28
My GP has given me Propanalol as well as Setraline but said to take it when I need it as not needed ongoing. Should I take one now?

That's unusual as Sertraline (Zoloft) is something that needs to be taken regularly in order for it to be effective. The other is a beta blocker and need to be taken regularly to be totally effective as well. You might want to double check that.

Positive thoughts

29-07-14, 17:40
That's unusual as Sertraline (Zoloft) is something that needs to be taken regularly in order for it to be effective. The other is a beta blocker and need to be taken regularly to be totally effective as well. You might want to double check that.

Positive thoughts

That is what I thought, her words were "try these Setraline and as for the beta blockers take then as and when you feel more anxious but that does not sound right as if you take them then stop surely that is worse? I have taken a Propanalol 10 minutes ago (40mg twice a day so 80mg) How long should they take to work? I am also doing 25mg Setraline (prescribed 50mg) for 4 days then a full dose from then - hopefully side effects not that bad

29-07-14, 17:57
You have to take an SSRI such as sertraline daily and at a regular time for 4-6 weeks before a benefit is felt. It enables a build up of serotonin in the brain which takes a while to happen.

So taking it every now and then wont work. Propranolol however can be taken as needed and should take effect within 30 minutes. They say people take them before job interviews or musical performances to calm their nerves.

It sounds like the dr meant take these sertraline tablets regularly, and also heres the propranolol for when you need it.

I was prescribed propranolol for panic attacks but it didn't really help. It stopped my heart racing and the trembling but my mind would still go berserk! It also made me breathless

I have been on sertraline for the last 20 days. The first week the side effects were nasty, I had nausea, insomnia and hugely increased anxiety. But thankfully it subsided after 7 to 10 days. But as seen on this forum lots of people DONT get any side effects, the lucky buggers! :D

29-07-14, 18:04
Thanks, yes, I checked with GP just now as surgery was open and Dr was in reception area so actually got to speak to him quickly - very lucky there.

Setraline 50mg daily in morning and Propanalol as and when needed.

I took Citalopram for 8 years and remember when I started them I had jelly legs, nausea etc so I guess on Setraline I will have the same for a few weeks (great) although as Doc said to me "everyone is different so as you have been on an AD before you may not be too bad"

My course of action (as I am on a few things at the moment) is:

Setraline 50mg daily (am)
Propanalol 40mg twice daily (am and pm)
Aspirin 75mg daily (am)
Simvastatin 20mg (pm)
Trimethoprim 200mg (am and pm)

Yes, on top of all this I have an infection as well.

30-07-14, 12:46
Hi, well I have my first few side effects of my Setraline - very dry mouth and upset stomach. Apart from that so far so good although I expect more effects to kick in the next few days.

Is it OK to take say pepto bismol for upset stomach when on ADs?