View Full Version : Womans Stuff

19-12-06, 20:42
Me again,:(
So i thought i was getting better, and what did i do google after not having done it for a few months.
I have been experiencing pelvic pain especially today like a dull ache down below, ive had this for a few years since having children ( oldest being 12).
So whilst looking up symtoms i discovered i could have ovarian cancer known as the silent killer.
I am completely freaked out and feeling really scared, i am shaky and panicky, feeling cold and my heart is in my stomach, oh god what am i going to do.
I really thought i was getting a bit better and something like this happens, i knew christmas would be bad this year again something always happens, i cant cope feeling like this , i honestly thought my medication was starting to work.
What if this pelvic pain is ovarian cancer, i'm really scared tonight, am i being silly?? [Sigh...]

miss diagnosis
19-12-06, 21:12
man I am obsessed with "down below cancer" although for me its more cervical then ovarian. My friends mam has ovarian cancer at the mo Im not going to tell u the symptoms she has but she is a good bit older than you also.She is doing really well.
Everyone gets pelvic pain > i get shooting pains up there somethimes but they pass! try not to worry from what your saying id say 99.99999% that u dont have it!

19-12-06, 21:48
Hi, I get pelvic pain too - as you describe, that dull ache. I actually think mine's related to my IBS. If you've been having it for a few years, you are fine, it can't be anything serious. If it was, you'd be getting much worse and you'd have other symptoms. I know I won't convince you with this, but it's true.

Honestly, I think we are all starting to feel really crap at the moment and I think it's the strain of Xmas, coz we know we are supposed to be happy etc. and really don't want the anxiety, and so it comes back. Also, I have that fear that all my helplines are cut off - no doctors for a couple of days, etc. Even though I don't actually go that often, but most of the time you know they are there if you need them!

I don't know what the answer is, but I hope you calm down and can enjoy yourself. I'm sure your kids will take your mind off it!

Take care,


19-12-06, 23:49
Hi read my post hun im another one!!!

20-12-06, 08:52
Thanks guys for your replies,
Im really still scared just now still have tht dull ache today, and i cant go to my docs i was just there last thursday........its too soon. Its a feeling of heaviness as well , plus google said it was known as the silent killer and often misdiagnosed, god ive really scared my self this time.
Didn't sleep a bit last night , i thought meds were meant to help you with this ,whats the point of taking them if i still feel like this??
What post is it matilda??
Just dont know what to do next.....................

20-12-06, 11:35
Medication will help to balance the chemicals in your brain and hopefully lift your mood, but if you get a bad thought, it sticks until you've dealt with it.

Do you have any therapy? I think most of us benefit from some kind of help to deal with these thoughts, because they don't go away on their own (or if they do, they come back!).

Can you go out and get a bit of a pampering, or have a chat with a friend - anything to take your mind off it and feel more relaxed for a short time.

The more you focus on how you feel, the more you feel it. Sometimes I think my symptoms last far longer in my head than they do in my body, but because I expect to feel them, I do. Does that make sense?

Have you got any symptoms other than the pelvic pain that lead you to believe it's something serious?


20-12-06, 11:57
hey Caroline ,
Its just the pelvic pain i've got just now down below in the nether regions, a little back pain but ive had bother with my back for years thts the symtoms i have, just feeling really scared cant get the thought out of my head, going over and over it, and yes i am focusing on it because it's there, even temted to actually google ovarian cancer now and im really trying not too. Do you think it could be an infection, but i've suffered on and off with this for years , whats freaking me out though is its getting more frequent what do i do ??

20-12-06, 18:14
I think it is worse because you are thinking about it. I bet if you get really engrossed in something you can forget it for a short while. I only say that, because that's what I'm like. I'm really sure it's nothing, but that doesn't help you because you are worried about it.

Whatever you do, DON'T GOOGLE! Tie your hands up or something, but don't do it. You will feel so much worse because you will only read what you want to read; the sensible and far more likely diagnosis won't come in to it.

If you are still as anxious tomorrow, how about calling NHS direct or your practice nurse at your GPs or something?

Hope you're ok.


20-12-06, 20:55
Well , i've managed not to google, i have to see the doctor in January bout my meds so i thought if i could hang on till then.....dont know if i can keep it together as i am still getting pelvic pain and still quite scared.
God i hate this anxiety so much x

20-12-06, 21:39
Hi Shirley,

I couldn't agree more with Caroline. Is it worth just havong a chat woth your doc over the phone tomorrow, she may reassure you. Mine did a bit today.

Good luck ( I know exactly what your going through) I had this fear a couple of years ago. PM me if you like, but where abouts are you in your cycle? Could be to do with that. Also age and kids etc?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

20-12-06, 21:54
hi there-i get pelvic pain too, its like a dull ache, a pressure feeling sometimes, similar to when you are pregnant-it even makes me want to wee more...i have had this on and off for 6 months now, i usually get it mid cycle onwards until my period-then usually it goes, and i dont have it every month! when do you get yours in your cycle?
i have seen a gyncologist..he said its hormone related-didnt do no scans though-only an exam!.....the ovarian cancer thing as crossed my mind and whatever you do DONT GOOGLE.........also mine is in my back too...ive been told this pain is due to "wear and tear" of our pelvic region, and remember you have had this pain a few years now-if it was cancer you would be dead!!
take care PM me if you like

21-12-06, 20:13
Please dont google you'll make yourself ill!!! I have had these pains for a while, like a burning sensation and i asked my doc if it was to do with my ovary. She said it was the wrong type of pain.

21-12-06, 21:08
hope you are feeling a bit more at ease kittykat? ( sorry, i missed this message ) i sometimes feel a bit wierd 'down there' but i think its just every day normal womans feelings.

i really think you've nothing to worry about hun xxx

22-12-06, 07:48
I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has replied and gave me their support it helps to put things in perspective.
I am still quite worried but have decided this isn't a new symptom ,and im not going to die from it tommorrow, so i will go to the docs in Jan when i have a review of my meds, then i will see about this.
But again a huge THANKS to everyone and i hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year, and here's to no more health anxiety for 2007 ( we can live in hope!!)
Take care all xxx