View Full Version : Why do I panic on the phone?

28-07-14, 17:30
Why do I panic when I am on the phone, for a live broadcast, when I have been on the radio , numerous times before?

My heart pounded today and my mouth felt dry. I didn't give up on the call, which is a success and I enjoyed the conversation. I just can't get my head around the fact that I still feel panicky after all these years.

Suppose it's not the amount of years i've suffered, but the rare chances i get to do things, that make me panic.

Overall, I prefer to talk by phone than in person.

28-07-14, 18:33
Question: Is it a panicky/nervousness before the call or during the call. The reason I ask is that I'm a musician/performer and to this day I get an adrenalin rush before I perform. Not panicky but just a rush. Then, once I start and I'm in the midst of the show, I'm totally fine.

Positive thoughts

28-07-14, 18:47
Sometimes panic can be associated with certain life scenarios. For some reason, your subconscious at some point started seeing the phone as something to panic over and maybe now your mind's in the set to send adrenaline because it thinks a phone call is a dangerous threat. somehow your mind got confused and probably needs training not to send those signals.

i suspect this because with me, if i'm having one of my week long episodes of panic and extreme anxiety, i can't watch television or any kind of video. if i put the tv on, then less than 5 minutes i start panicking and have to turn it off

28-07-14, 21:19
I wasn't nervous, leading up to the phonecall. It was when I was waiting to talk live that made me feel anxious. I thought about all the people listening and that they might judge me. Also I have had experiences of Presenters embarrassing me and I didn't want that to happen again.

29-07-14, 11:07
Ah I think I misunderstood your original post. My apologies :)