View Full Version : Meds or no meds?

28-07-14, 18:28
Just wondering specifically for health anxiety sufferers whether you've chosen to take long term medication for it? If not, any reasons why?

29-07-14, 01:47
I wouldn't because my dad was an alcoholic and died from it so I try to avoid any risk of addiction; I'm teetotal and wouldn't even dream of smoking or doing drugs, though I don't know which would be worse becoming addicted to cigs or my mums reaction she would kill me if I ever smoked (I'm 17)! Its not that I have an addictive personality but i know that the long term medication can become a crutch and you can become dependent on it I want to avoid that

29-07-14, 08:34
Yes I relay on meds

29-07-14, 22:18
Nope, no meds. They should be the last resort, after you depleted all other methods with proven positive effects for dealing with (health) anxiety - balanced diet, no smoking/drinking excessively, steady sleep schedule, meditation, hobbies, and most importantly exercise - even short walks help, but better to do something that is more intense and raises your heartbeat and gets your sweat on.

30-07-14, 09:33
I had been on meds for almost 6 years, currently 12 weeks free.
I think it depends on you personally, I honestly cannot see how they could help with health anxiety (I was on for depression), I'm not saying they won't, but I got health anxiety last year and I had been on meds for almost 5 years at the time.
I think everyone is different the same with coming off, I have been off my SSRI's for 12 weeks and I am not addicted, I had 2 weeks of feeling like crap but no true 'withdrawal'.
Medication has its own side effects too, most noticeably sexual dysfunction. If you feel they will help you and you are on the edge of your tether then it maybe a godsend.