View Full Version : Someone please help... How do you get through this?

28-07-14, 19:11
I'm just looking for some advice and reassurance.. I have no symptoms but I'm petrified I'm going to get ill and die!
I've been to the doctors 4 times over the past 6 weeks, has 5 lots of bloods done, hiv test, a renal/pelvic scan, breast exam and two trips to a&e - they've not found anything despite me suffering stomach and back pain!
My last bloods were "great" according to my doctor but now I'm scared I have bone, oral or cervical cancer even though I know something would have been dodgy with my bloods, urine, stools or scans!
I should be so happy with my results but I just want to cry and hide away.. I keep thinking about how upset my family would be if I got I'll and I don't want to be too nice incase it gives 'god a reason to take me away' - I'm not even religious!
I'm working in cbt but I feel like I'm going crazy!
Does anyone else have these awful thoughts?

I miss being happy! Xxx

28-07-14, 19:41
First of all, here is a big hug for you (((( hug ))))

Your stomach pains and back pains could be tension with your extremely high anxiety levels. Tension causes all sorts of muscular problems.

Your test results sound encouraging and I am sure if there was anything serious then your GP would have been totally honest with you. I know I have feelings of doom regarding my own mortality and probably lots of people have the same feelings too. I will not say, try to relax more, for I know that is not easy to do.

You are not going crazy at all.

Please try to be kind to yourself, put on a calming CD and close your eyes, try to focus on happy thoughts or places.

I am sure others here will have more helpful comments than I can give. Keep posting and let us know how you are.

28-07-14, 20:07

A week ago you were going away but it seems that you're caught in the grips of the dragon. You're physically fine. Medical professionals have the proof. Mentally however, it's quite apparent you're struggling severely :( I wish there were words that could help. CBT will help but you have to work at it. It's not easy but it does work and you will get better and better at it. Have you or are you on meds? If not, perhaps that's something to consider while you get your feet under you again.

Positive thoughts

28-07-14, 20:56
Thanks for your kind words .. I know deep down I'm only a suffering from anxiety triggered by a big move but I keep having these relapses!
Fishmanpa, you're totally right, but on a down day I'm right back to where I started .. I'm not on meds but the dr did suggest it so I may go back and see him to discuss it more!

The silly thing is that I've just been for a run, fallen on my face so I'm covered in bruises and cuts but I'm not concerned at all however these 'barely there pains' have me thinking the worst!

Thank you so much both for your support! Xxx

28-07-14, 23:03
Physically it appears you are fine.
I would suggest some sort of counselling. We often ignore our mental health when it is just as important as our physical health.