View Full Version : i've survived!!

19-12-06, 21:03
Well, i'm still here and i've been work all day and been very busy tonight. Head and ears are buzzing and i've got aches and pains but i'm not worrying about it. Had sort of a breakthrough i think earlier, we forgot something when we went home and it was not possible for us all to go home to get it, so i went and took my daughter with me. I really did not want to go and was welling up with fear, but i pushed myself and knew that i had to do it and driving home i suddenly realized that the feelings that i have been having are the exact same feelings that i had on the operating table and all of a sudden my body became calm! It was like sudden realization that it is m body reliving the op over and over again, i think it has really helped me knowing now that i have PTSD and that has made me understand FINALLY, why this horrible thing is continuing to happen to me. Before i was always searching for answers and wondering why, could not find a 'trigger' for it, now i know WHY, i feel loads better. I know the feelings wont just go away, they are still here and very real, but now i know more i think it will help me. we will see how it goes i suppose. Thanks to everyone who has given me support with my problems and read my sometimes 'long' posts, lol. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

22-12-06, 21:39
Been work all day today, done ok i think, but still get these flashes of not knowing who or where i am. I get the three main problems still for me really, unreality, anxiety and ectopics. Just feel 'weird', not me, not well. NOT LIKE I USED TO BE!!! You know that feeling when you know something is not right, not 'normal', how it was before, but you just can't explain it? That's what is happening now, don't know if this symptom is a sign of getting worse, better or just plain staying the same, just another thing. lol. I am also really pale all the time and have dark circles under my eyes, never had them before until past couple of months.
Has anyone ever had cramp in the back of their tongue as well, i've been having that a lot lately, feels like i've got something under the back of my tongue, can't stretch it though because it hurts and makes it worse. It isn't the 'classic' lump in the back of the throat thing - globus hystericus - i think it's called, not a 'nervous lump', it feels like it's under my tongus and in front of my neck. Perhaps that's just my imagination eh? Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

22-12-06, 23:37
Dear Angie,

First let me say I love your saying: It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!! I thinkk it's marvelous and oh so true.

Mine took three weeks down with the Asian Flu many, forty some odd years ago and is still with me slightly today. "The Fears raised their ugly heads." was my line in, 'Feas Flutterby'.

Is it possible the feeling of lump under tongue could be swollen glands?

Did you write anything of the web site http://panicend.com
I have found it to be a great site with loads of info and insite.


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

23-12-06, 13:23
Thankyou, don't think it is anything like swollen glands because i've had that many times and tonsillitis and it doesn't feel like that at all. I feel very shaky this morning, for no reason, had a nice lie in, but all of my body is shaking today. Just want to be back to normal. I will visit the site you have listed right now, thankyou for that and i'm glad you like my saying. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

23-12-06, 14:15
Hi Angie, I was sorry to hear you were having a hard time of it, shaky and all. You say, "Just want to be back to normal."
It's probably boring to be "normal". Think of all we have learned by having anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, dizziness, etc. We've have gained a lot of wisdom from our afflictions and can only be gracious to help others with the same thing. Maybe this is a gift come to you, embrace it and just maybe it will go away. Try that web site I mentioned. I found it very insightful.


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

23-12-06, 17:56
I went straight to that web site and yes it is really good, i think you should post it as a topic so everyone can go on to it and have a read. I know that everything said on that makes perfect sense and have heard quite a bit of it before, but it is written so well and easy on this site, it actually sounds 'possible' to achieve. Thankyou for sending me that link it was much appreciated and the thing that i liked about it the most was that it covered every problem that i have except the ectopics. Thankyou again and if you don't have time to reply or get on line again before Monday, then have a wonderful christmas and god bless. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

26-12-06, 20:11
Thank you Angie and I'm glad the web site helped you see things maybe more clearly. I also felt the same way when I read it on one of these boards. I'll make a new post of it and see what others feel.
It's tuesday here in the states and I hope your days have gotten better.

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

26-12-06, 21:31
Yep, it's Tuesday here too, Boxing day, lol, it is a good site and i'm glad you are posting it, even if it is just a refresher to people's memories. Thanks again, and i am still alive at least, lol. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!