View Full Version : Weakness all over

29-07-14, 02:45
I'm currently wearing a 24hr Holter Monitor so I am half glad I am having a panic attack right now.

When I was wearing it last night I was feeling fine, and I thought - typical - tests are going to come back fine without really testing my heart.

My GP just doubled my Pristiq dosage to 100mg and for a few days I felt really great. Now I am so disappointed that I just had a horrible panic attack that made me feel weak all over my body, as though my legs won' hold me up.

I'm so frightened it's something more serious than "just panic attacks."

Tomorrow I have to drive myself about 40 minutes away to an appointment with an Endocrinologist and I am so frightened. Usually I would have my Dad or my husband drive me but neither of them can tomorrow and I can't re-schedule the appointment as I am so desperate for answers. A taxi both ways would cost $120.

I am hoping I can find the strength to drive there.

Why oh why are we afflicted with this horrible debilitating illness :weep:

29-07-14, 03:15
Hi, aah bless you, i hope you are ok.
Good luck for tomorrow jennywren, break it down, take your time and get through it second by second if you have to.
I hope you are coming out of your panic ok now. Remember your monitor is to help so try not to think the worst (if only i could take my.own advice haha).
this is the "witching hour" when everything seems scary but hopefully tomorrow you will have some perspective and gain strength to do it.
I have a seaside trip tomorrow... 2.5 hour drive im bricking it. Ill think of you and send you.positive thoights if you do the same for me. Good luck babe x

29-07-14, 04:59
Sunshine thank you so much for your beautiful reply. I will send you strength tomorrow. You will not be alone. It's a battle and it's one we can win.

You know, it occurred to me during the panic that Pristiq is an appetite suppressant and I hadn't eaten breakfast. Hence low blood sugar. Hence weakness all over.

Because we exaggerate and misinterpret symptoms as anxiety sufferers I took weakness-all-over to be a sign I was dying of some major illness which made the panic worse.

Ate something - felt better.

The racing thoughts are always so negative. If only we could make them passive or even positive thoughts, rather than "I'm dying! I'm dying!" thoughts.

Will be thinking of you Sunshine and hoping you surprise yourself by having a pleasant drive.