View Full Version : Need help!

29-07-14, 03:21
Hey guys,
I posted on the forum a while back when I was at the start of my medication cycle.
I have now been on prozac for 3 months, I started to feel better for a while and now I am slowly getting worse again.
I've had GAD and severe depression from a young age due to family reasons. In January of this year I started to suffer from serious panic attacks leaving me on the floor. Because of how my heart felt because of these panic attacks, I started to constantly notice it and worry about it. I was having heart palpitations everyday and would cry to my mum that I was dying. (I'm 17 by the way). Anyway I started 20mg of prozac prescribed by my doctor because I was diagnosed with panic disorder, OCD and as a hypochondriac of course along with my GAD and depression. After a month I started to feel a lot better, getting on with my life having around a panic attack a week when before I was having one everyday. In the last week, my heart has started to play up again well it's probably my mind concentrating on it. I'm constantly struggling to feel it beating, feeling an empty feeling in my chest and suffering from pins and needles from head to toe when I start to panic. I have it most of the time at the moment and it's becoming a serious issue for me. I am getting to the stage that I want to give up again and my heart often drops into my stomach when I focus on it too much. However, when I have my medication the feeling goes for an hour or two then comes raging back. The only time it's not there is when I sleep because I'm not concentrating on it, I was suffering with insomnia and it's now becoming a problem again as I am concentrating on my heart too much to sleep. My hand tremor has rapidly become worse again lately so I'm guessing the heart thing is all in my mind and my anxiety is just messing me about. When I went to the doctors she checked my heart beat and BP but didn't want to go any further because she was happy. I'm slowly going back to the way I was when I entered the doctors and I don't want to go back to that when I was doing so well! Does anyone get the same thing, what helps people relax and stop thinking about it because I've tried so much.
Thank you.

29-07-14, 11:36
You should ask to try a beta blocker called propranolol x