View Full Version : oral cancer fear - really terrified.

29-07-14, 03:49
Hi there. Earlier i noticed a very very tiny dark red patch on my gum between two teeth. Does anyone know what this could be? I googled it and oral cancer came up so now im petrified and im crying my eyes out. Has anyone had this? Is it likely to be oral cancer? Do you have any reassurance?

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise xxx

29-07-14, 04:23
I'm a survivor of head and neck cancer. The rule is: If you have a lesion, area or node that doesn't resolve in 2-3 weeks, seek out an ENT that specializes in oral cancers.

Are there risk factors such as smoking, drinking? If so, this needs to stop immediately (regardless). What you describe is not typical of OC as it usually starts elsewhere in the oral cavity so that is a positive in your favor. You don't mention any other symptoms or indications that present as OC. Proper oral hygiene is essential as well. Make sure you're brushing, flossing and rinsing. I'm not a doctor, but I am a survivor and I'm telling you what I would tell a newcomer on the OC boards.

Positive thoughts

29-07-14, 04:30
Hi. Thanks for getting back. I dont currently have any other worrying symptoms. I am 27 years old and ive never smoked and i hardly ever drink. Is there anything else that can cause this?

Please reply
Love Louise xx

29-07-14, 04:33
Hi. Thanks for getting back. I dont currently have any other worrying symptoms. I am 27 years old and ive never smoked and i hardly ever drink. Is there anything else that can cause this?

Please reply
Love Louise xx

So those things, not smoking, hardly drink, young, are all things that are highly in your favor. I'm not a doctor so I can't say what it is. An ulcer perhaps? Best see your doctor as opposed to Dr. Google.

Positive thoughts