View Full Version : found a lump in my neck :/

29-07-14, 08:29
while i was putting on my moisturiser this morning i was rubbing my neck and suddenly felt a smallish hard lump under my skin at the side of my neck, a few inches under my ear. it's painless unmoveable and very solid. im now terrified that this is a sign that i have cancer :( I've made an appointment to see my gp about it tomorrow but oh my gosh im really scared now. it's definitely a lymph node and i am not sick so i don't know why else this would appear. I've ever experienced anything like this before it's so unusual for my body. i was reading that cancerous nodes tend to be extremely hard and painless and that's what mine is :( one time i had a swollen lymph node in my armpit and i was afraid it was cancer but when i went to my gp he said ' I can tell you it's not cancer because if it was, it would be painless.' and that armpit lump was painful. but this lump doesn't hurt at all.

on a side note i was going to go to my gp about my h pylori infection and stomach ulcer symptoms becoming progressively worse and i was worried about stomach cancer. now im afraid that it may have spread.
im really afraid of finding out :(
if i have cancer i don't know how i will cope :( my worst fears seem to be coming true. help im getting so worked up about this!

29-07-14, 21:45
Hi there
I'm also worried about a hard lump behind my ear, no infection or anything, it's hard and cancery feeling :(
I saw my gp who said it felt really small n not to worry about it. Ever since I can't stop prodding it and facing about convincing myself I'm surely dying. I'm seeing another gp but I couldn't get in for 3 weeks!!!! Unless it was an emergency! I dunno if it's an emergency :(
Have you always had it? I ask because I don't actually know for sure if I've always had it or not. I'm sure I would have noticed but it's not massively noticeable (it is now because I'm so super aware of it, in my head it's jutting out with flashing lights and arrows pointing towards it) but realistically I could have always had it...
See your gp but realise that cancer IS one of the rare causes of a lymph node feeling hard (if it really is a lymph node, there are ALOT of other structures in that area like bones)
L xxx

30-07-14, 00:05
Hi there
I'm also worried about a hard lump behind my ear, no infection or anything, it's hard and cancery feeling :(
I saw my gp who said it felt really small n not to worry about it. Ever since I can't stop prodding it and facing about convincing myself I'm surely dying. I'm seeing another gp but I couldn't get in for 3 weeks!!!! Unless it was an emergency! I dunno if it's an emergency :(
Have you always had it? I ask because I don't actually know for sure if I've always had it or not. I'm sure I would have noticed but it's not massively noticeable (it is now because I'm so super aware of it, in my head it's jutting out with flashing lights and arrows pointing towards it) but realistically I could have always had it...
See your gp but realise that cancer IS one of the rare causes of a lymph node feeling hard (if it really is a lymph node, there are ALOT of other structures in that area like bones)
L xxx
I have a cervical node that sticks ourt behind my ear but that's only because its just above a protruding bone

30-07-14, 06:49
Hello easto if u have any other symptom or not like sore throat etc.

30-07-14, 13:09
Did you see your doctor and if so, what did they say??? I had it as well and was so scared, totally worked myself up. Come to find out, its a bone in my neck. I was sooo worried though, it was hard, didn't move at all and didn't hurt a bit.

30-07-14, 19:25
Hi there
I'm also worried about a hard lump behind my ear, no infection or anything, it's hard and cancery feeling :(
I saw my gp who said it felt really small n not to worry about it. Ever since I can't stop prodding it and facing about convincing myself I'm surely dying. I'm seeing another gp but I couldn't get in for 3 weeks!!!! Unless it was an emergency! I dunno if it's an emergency :(
Have you always had it? I ask because I don't actually know for sure if I've always had it or not. I'm sure I would have noticed but it's not massively noticeable (it is now because I'm so super aware of it, in my head it's jutting out with flashing lights and arrows pointing towards it) but realistically I could have always had it...
See your gp but realise that cancer IS one of the rare causes of a lymph node feeling hard (if it really is a lymph node, there are ALOT of other structures in that area like bones)
L xxx
I have a hard, unmovable lump below my ear/behind my jaw and I've had it since Jan this year. I noticed it while I had an ear infection. What size is yours? Mine was originally grape sized but now its like the size and shape of a malteaser I would say. My doc said it feels small but to be it feels absolutely massive!