View Full Version : another day...

29-07-14, 13:27
where against my better judgement i find myself self-medicating to keep my head above water and live something of a "life".

i've thought about going back to my doctor but the very mention of the things going on in my head would get me a trip to a hospital and im sick of the whole psychology/ psychiatry babble that has so far failed me.

anxiety is through the roof and it feels like im in some dark depth that i cant get out of. we all have our crosses to bear but this ones dragging me down and im not strong enough to keep dragging it with me in my life.

30-07-14, 19:02
I sometimes feel the same. I am suffering with my anxiety and depression at the moment and today I was out for 2 hours and felt like it was 2 days I was so tired and snappy with people (could be the new meds) I am out tomorrow for around 6 hours and worried already.

My social life is non existent at the moment and all I want to do is sleep and stay in my room. It is horrid isn't it?

A few years ago I had a good job, girlfriend, money, social life etc now I am redundant, always ill, never see anyone and have little money (only benefits) and on top of my anxiety and depression am being investigated for a urinary problem under a consultant as well as having IBS.

From being relatively fit and healthy I now take DAILY:

Setraline (antidepressant)
Propanalol (beta blocker)
Simvastatin (Cholestorol)
Aspirin (high platelet count)
Trimethoprim (antibiotic for infection)
Buscopan (for IBS)
Paracetamol (when needed)

So about 10 tablets a day