View Full Version : Body feels weird... Stroke... Help

29-07-14, 15:14
Hey everyone,

So I haven't been on here in a while as I've been doing really really well and still am to a certain degree. I suffered from really bad panic attacks the end of last year and beginning of this year. I went to docs who started me on medication and it helped being me back down to a level. I slowly weaned myself off the meds and have been doing really well and haven't suffered a panic attack since before I started on them.

Over the past couple of days though... I feel like the health anxiety has been starting to creep it's head back up and I can't seem to shake off the thought that I'm going to have a stroke. I've been getting an irregular twitch on the left hand side of my body; be it my neck, face, leg, nose (weird I know).

My mind automatically assumes the worst and I start to get a bit worried about going to sleep or doing anything again. I write this sitting in the hairdressers right now but even as I sit here I am a little anxious because these physical symptoms are occurring right now. :(

I am a smoker but have noticed over the past few days that I don't want to even have a cigarette in case it sparks off any symptoms or chest pain.

I am honestly at my wits end constantly thinking about it and just want some reassurance.

I feel like an absolute balloon calling up NHS 24 as my thoughts to other people who don't suffer from HA or PA seem really irrational hence why I've came back home to my fellow sufferers lol.

Any help and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Like I say, I've been doing so well and I want to put a lid on this before it starts to affect my life the way it used to.

Thanks in advance :)

29-07-14, 22:47
Are you taking any meds for high blood pressure - if not why would you believe a stroke was on the horizon?
I personally dont think the symptons you describe indicate a stroke.

Female healthanxiety
29-07-14, 22:54

It's hard I'm the same!

I fear a stroke/ha every single day and I'm 31.

What helps me when I have a numb tight feeling in my arm, or my left jaw feels funny or my chest hurts is:

Have I had this sensation before?
Did anything come of it?
Was I ok the next day?
If this sensation was on your right side, world I be worrying as much.

That seems to re-rationalise me somewhat but I really feel your pain. I also have weakness in my left side which is horrible, and am always thinking this is it!

I think we as HA sufferers need to realise we are sensitive with these areas.

K x