View Full Version : Hi. Help.

29-07-14, 20:17
Hi everyone.
I just need to tell someone how I feel today. Sorry if this is an essay. Diagnosed GAD 4 years ago, depression before that. Had CBT x2. Been on nearly all SsRIs. Now on Setraline. My husband is amazing wonderful man. I would not be here now if not for him. I have felt a lot better anxiety wise past year or so i thought.

I have been suffering with illness. It doesn't worry me. I dont worry about dying etc. I just want to not feel poorly. Symptoms: recurrent infection (sinuses, throat and thrush), headaches, pressure in head worse on left, stuffiness,dry itchy sore eyes, dizziness, feeling slow and heavy, mixing words up,painful joints, aching muscles, diarrhoea, nausea, intermittent pyrexias, flushing and fatigue...ENT treat sinuses...they say they are ok now. Chest xray clear. Awaiting CT sinuses. They dont think this is cause. After this will be back to square one. GPs always tell me everything is anxiety ie in my head. I am under formal review for attendance at work.

I am now wondering is it just me? Am I mad? Is it my anxiety? How can I explain to work, friends etc when there isn't anything there? My quality of life is less and less. Even my family are asking is it your nerves? All i know is i feel awful most of the time. Could it all be due to GAD. I would never take my life...but i wish I would die. I couldn't hurt my husband or family but it is so disappointing to wake up in a morning. Please dont tell me to go to my GP. They are useless. Jyst tell me i am anxious.


29-07-14, 20:59
Hey and welcome to the site :welcome:

Firstly, you're not mad... Far from it... But it does sound as though a lot of your recurring symptoms could be related to anxiety. When you think back, did the 'illness' begin around the same time that your anxiety did (or have you had any of these symptoms when not suffering from anxiety)?

This is a great place, full of lovely people, so I hope you can find some help and comfort here :)

29-07-14, 21:17
Thankyou for replying.
I wish i had found this forum before. This is a very lonely illness sometimes. To be honest I am so confused now I don't know what is what. It is hard isnt it when everything is an unseen illness. Hard to quantify the unquantifiable. Tomorrow is another day...anything is possible.
K x

29-07-14, 21:52
Hello batgirl your certainly right it is a lonely illness ,but your here now and we can help ,and yeah tomorrow is another day see what it brings glad you could join us xxxx :D

01-08-14, 22:25
Welcome to the site and sorry you're having such a rough time. Hang in there. So lot of your symptoms sound like anxiety and anxiety has a big affect on your immune system so vicious circle. You mention you're under review at work so I imagine this is adding stress and anxiety. I have had to take time off work because of stress and anxiety and am slowly getting better. Having no pressure may help. All the best x