View Full Version : Back again but hopefully not for good

29-07-14, 21:23
I've not been on here for ages, not because I don't care and don't appreciate all the help from people but because I know it wasn't helpful to me.

I've been doing great, getting on with life and enjoying my kids.

But I'm back. The skipped heartbeats have crept back in the past couple if weeks but have reached a peek the past couple of days, almost constant all day and a lightheaded feeling with them and a hot flush at the same time. I'm sat fanning myself because I'm sweating. And it's not because of the heat. I've got a dreadfully dodgy windy blown up tummy too. And the thoughts are creeping back in, what if its my heart this time, what if I don't get to my holiday. Agghhh

I have got a lot on my mind at the moment granted but I'm desperately trying not to slip back as I've come so bloody far. I can feel all my hard work unravelling.

29-07-14, 22:16
Sorry I hope that didn't come across negatively to others I meant it wasn't helping me get better because I was spending too much time worrying and writing than helping myself.

Thank you for your reply. I can't tell whether its the wind causing the skips or the skips causing the wind but they were relentless earlier and with the bit flushes at the same time it was getting too much. I felt really poorly with it.

Catherine S
29-07-14, 22:18
Its ok, I deleted my reply because I couldn't find the right way to say what I wanted to without sounding negative sorry. Hope you feel better soon.


29-07-14, 22:30
I'm sad you deleted your reply, I wasn't offended, I just didn't want you guys to think I had gone because I didn't care about the help I'd received or I didn't care how others were.

Catherine S
29-07-14, 22:36
The skipped beats really do become much worse if your stomach/digestive system is irritated. I got over a bout of this earlier in the year where it seemed that everything I ate or drank gave me acid reflux and my heart was all over the place for ages. It did pass in this intensive way...I get skipped beats every day anyway but usually only a few each day thankfully these days, unlike the days when my hormones controlled everything including these. Its a horrible feeling getting them so much I know mummyA, hopefully they will subside at some point, but try not to let them scare you because they're harmless. Ive had them for best part of 40 years and am still here after all :)


Female healthanxiety
29-07-14, 22:48
Hello mummyA.

Wow it has been a while!

Am sorry to hear that your anxiety is trying to creep back. I'm the same as you, had a good few months, even lost weight and felt great and then boom! My heart fears start again. Hate ectopics and the fear of a stroke/heart attack!

I find the busier I am, the HA always finds a way to say hello!

You need to think about how you was thinking before you came back on here, as it obviously worked. I presumed you had little episodes but not enough for the cycle to start up again, which is a great achievement, and you can do it again.

I too am going abroad in 3 weeks and feel like I'm gonna be a state! Something has got to give!!

29-07-14, 22:56
This sounds very familiar.
My hormones have also been all over the place lately too so that hasn't helped.
I can cope with the skipping usually these says. It's like you say I still get them every day but only notice a couple isolated ones. But these are like a few a minute. And I keep getting this welling up and down with them. Like they're stuck in my gullet.
By when they start being accompanied by hot flushes is when I can't just ignore them as being 'normal' do you know what I mean? And lightheadedness as well.
But my tummy is super bloated around my belly button and I defo have some reflux though not burning sort.
I just don't want these damn things ruining my holiday. And I keep thinking maybe I should get them checked out again but then I think there's no point.

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:53 ----------

FHE thanks for your reply. Yes can't quite believe how long it's been but I know that fab book at last a life helped me immensely.
Skipped beats suck ass. I look at people around thinking why am I the one suffering with these? Why can't I just get on with running about and jumping about. I live my life mostly now but some stuff I still can't do, like over taxing my heart with strenuous stuff. So not quite there yet.
I've started having brief stabs of pain with some of them again so have caught myself thinking for a split second, what if its a blockage... No no no!!! I can't do this again

Catherine S
29-07-14, 22:59
It might help to get them checked just before you go, for peace of mind really. I remember doing this a few days before a holiday when my kids were very young...and my flippin hormones were driving me crazy...and she listened to my heart through the stethescope and said she could hear my heart skipping the beats but not to worry that my heart was fine and wouldn't pack up on me, and to enjoy my holiday. We were actually driving to France that year too..gulp!


Female healthanxiety
29-07-14, 23:00
I've been due on for 3 weeks and the cardiologist also told me that hormones have a big part to play in ectopic heart beats!

It's weird my stomach is sooooo bloated and my ectopics have been awful these last week. Even when I move I get them and also thumpy heart beats.

I totally relate to the feeling in your stomach, it's like at the top, mine almost feels hard when I touch it. Fed up as it's also making me look fat even though I'm loosing a couple of pounds per week!

Maybe the holiday is playing on your consionce a little bit and you don't know it! I think mine is contributing a little!


29-07-14, 23:15
Ah cheers guys.
I've got quite a bit on my mind and this week has been a bit stressful. I'm not sleeping great again. I know there are some stress factors. And yes I always get anxious before a holiday for some reason.
I'm ovulating at the moment so that probably isn't helping either. Just hope these don't do me in this time.

29-07-14, 23:16
Hi mummy! I've missed you!

29-07-14, 23:18
Ah have you? Bless. How are you? I hope you're well x

29-07-14, 23:21
I'm doing well! I have overcome my anxiety :) I think you are on your way too. We all have relapses. I bet this one won't last long.

30-07-14, 01:26
I hope not. Got an awful knawing pain now too at bottom of ribs. I wish this would all do one I really do. Stomach cramps now too. Yeah I think safe to say my digestive system is off today. Though I don't know which came first....

Really pleased to hear you're doing well, it's lovely to know that people are in a better place :)

I'm a bit down with my periods atm as well though I don't want to dwell on it. I had a pelvic scan not too long ago for pain but that came back ok so I'm at a loss. Last period was really heavy and I'm starting to get really greasy skin and tons of spots now. I'm reverting to being a teenager in my mid thirties :(

---------- Post added 30-07-14 at 01:26 ---------- Previous post was 29-07-14 at 23:26 ----------

And I find myself awake again at a stupid time. Only been asleep about an hour as well. Woke up sweating unnaturally again. Still feel sick and gurgle guts.

30-07-14, 08:04
Hi Mummy,

That little dragon is trying to creep back in. That is all this is. Yes you have physical symptoms but if they are not a result of anxiety then your reaction to them is. Before my recent holiday my dragon was trying ti interfere with my preparations - he even tried to get in my suitcase! Each time I just booted him down the garden !!! It is all about taking control which is what you have been doing and it's been working.

Lucia x

30-07-14, 09:33
Thank you for your response. I keep telling him he's not welcome on our holiday but he's very persistent.
Feeling quite poorly today. Like I'm swaying and keep going hot like my skin is on fire. My ears are ringing too. My night was very restless indeed. Not felt this bad in a very long time. Went to hang the washing out and felt a wave of fear building. Not good.